Sunday, November 6, 2011

NFL Picks Week 9

I know Slothy's gonna cry this week because I'm making him pick "emotionally" by choosing between his beloved Jets and the Bills. And he's gonna be a big shot by posting his picks separately because he thinks he's the man. Hey Slothy, how about you pick realistically instead of emotionally. I'm a Giants fan, but we're going into New England today with a running back who runs like he's barefoot walking on hot coals, half of a receiving corp, and no Jason Pierre-Paul. Emotionally I want to say Giants, but realistically I'm saying the Patriots. I know it's hard when you're a Jet fan to look at things realistically, but try and do that for once instead of complaining how much I make you pick emotionally.

Standings through week 9 (minimum 15 games played)

Quite Frank-ly 10-5
Jimbo Slice 10-5
Slothy 12-8
Steve the Hammer 9-11


Quite Frank-ly:

Bills vs Jets: Jets

Bucs vs Saints: Saints

Giants vs Patriots: Giants

Steelers vs Ravens: Steelers

Bears vs Eagles: Eagles

Steve the Hammer:

Bills vs Jets: Bills play well at home and the X factor will be Fred Jackson. Bills in a close one.

Bucs vs Saints: No way Drew Brees loses to Tampa twice this season. They'll make the adjustments. Saints are my pick here.

Giants vs Patriots: As much as it pains me to say it, the Giants are going into this game way too depleted to compete. Patriots in a route.

Steelers vs Ravens: No Lamar Woodley spells big day for Ray Rice. Ravens with by ten.

Bears vs Eagles: Eagles are hot and I'm still not sold on the Bears and Jay Cutler. Forte helps the Bears keep it close, but the Eagles win.

Jimboslicee :

Bills vs Jets ... i feel like its a no brainer Bills, but im going Jets

Bucs vs Saints ... Classic bounceback right? Saints

Giants vs Pats ... i feel like its a no brainer Pats, but im going giants lol

Steelers vs Ravens ... classic revenge game: Steelers

Bears vs Eagles ... the eagles are ready to take off unfortunately: Eagles

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