Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Guys, You Should Moisturize

Alright fella's I know you're gonna tell me that I sound gay and all that good stuff for saying this, but you should actually moisturize your disgustingly dry skin. This whole thing of back in the old days when men were men doesn't work anymore. If you haven't noticed, hot girls aren't going after the manliest guys anymore. They're going after the best kept guys with the most money. Now although you most likely don't have any money if you're reading this, I'm telling you that moisturizing is not a bad thing, and it doesn't make you gay. 

First of all, your man hands with calyces all over them aren't the least bit sexy to a girl. You're gonna have to eventually hold hands with a girl or touch her hands in some way and she's gonna feel your gross dry ass hands and calyces you get from working out and be completely turned off. Ladies like a guy with soft hands. Ask any woman what she'd prefer. Unless she's a truck driver from Mississippi, I'm pretty sure she's going with the dude with the nice hands. 

Also, your dry skin on your face after you shave and shower. Come on bro, your face looks like you have dry semen all over it. Put some fucking lotion on and get that shit figured out. Not only do women don't wanna look at you, but men don't wanna have a conversation with you because all they're staring at is that spot on your face that is clearly dry skin. 

You're not less of a man just because you're using moisturizer for your ultimate goal. Your ultimate goal is to score with the ladies, and this is helping you do that. It doesn't make you gay. It makes you look like you're being attentive to the needs of a woman. And in the end, that'll always get you laid. 

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