Monday, November 7, 2011

The Different Types Of Socially Awkward

Being socially awkward is something that I kind of get a kick out of. There are a couple of different types of socially awkward that I have noticed more and more and each one is more beautiful than the next. Therefore, let's go over some different types of socially awkward. 

The overexcited when I talk socially awkward: This person might as well have ADD because they're so tuned up. They talk really fast and ask you for things really fast because they don't really know how to slow themselves down. It's quite comical when you try to have a conversation with the overexcited socially awkward guy. 

The I'm way too smart to be around normal people socially awkward: These are the people who were part of the nerd herd in high school and never actually grew out of that phase. They're all like scientists and have jobs that only smart people can do and they use their smart person lingo in front of normal people just to try and be high and mighty. They're cocky nerds. Fact of the matter is, none of you will ever get laid without paying money to do so. 

The I'm trying way too hard to make friends socially awkward: This is the person who's really nice to everyone and tries way too hard to be part of the crowd. They always ask questions that don't need to be asked and they'll do pretty much anything you tell them just to try and fit in. 

The weird I think I'm funny but no one else does socially awkward: Yes, this person thinks that they are absolutely hilarious, the only problem is that no one else actually thinks the same way. They tell miserable jokes and laugh at their own sayings. In laymen's terms, it's just a fucking annoying weirdo. 

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