Friday, November 11, 2011

All This For A Ride Home?

I don't usually talk about where I'm from, but what I witnessed coming home last night was the epitome of why everyone hates the place I am from. Good old Staten Island, New York, most of the girls think they're on housewives of New Jersey and most of the guys wish they were on the Jersey Shore. It's a fucking spectacle. 

Anyway, I'm coming home last night and this girl is on the ferry calling every guy in her phone to try and get a ride home from the ferry terminal because apparently she's above taking the train. First of all, you're not above taking the train since you are currently dressed like a hooker. Second of all, how big of a slut are you that you've called about eight guys in three minutes? 

Finally, she gets in touch with some dude who she clearly mouth bangs on the reg that doesn't give a shit about her. She's trying to get a ride home and he doesn't seem to care. She goes on a yelling spree about how she has no way home, her friend is drunk, and she has no idea what to do. I think you're over exaggerating a little bit hun. Problem A, you can take the train home you spoiled bitch. Problem B, you went out to a club, yes your friend is drunk but you're making it sound like she's dead. She's perfectly fine, stop exaggerating. Problem C, take the train and walk home. There is no spot on this fucking bubble of an island where you can't walk home from a train. It's at most twenty minutes. 

This guy keeps hanging up on her because he treats her like a real piece of shit and kudos to him because she keeps coming back. She then calls him back for the 15th time in ten minutes and starts crying telling him how much she hates him. Bitch, you're gonna be blowing him tomorrow at like twelve noon, stop trying to act like you're independent and you don't need him when you're an absolute slob. And all I'm thinking this entire time is, "All this for a ride home?" Is there a way to be any more spoiled? I would seriously doubt it. Bitchy, spoiled and whorish is no way to go through life girl.

Sidenote: If you start sentences with the words, "Like honestly," you deserve to be punched directly in the vagina. 

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