Saturday, October 1, 2011

Where Am I?

Drunk Story by Rob (Southern CT)

I had just transfered into a new school as a junior and I was really away from home for the first time. I went out one night and I got destroyed, I don't remember anything from the night. All I remember is waking up in the middle of some shit city, no phone, no keys, no wallet, no shirt and around the block from my baseball team's home field. I walked all the way back to my shitty apartment off campus which was multiple miles having no idea where I was going, just hoping I made it back in the right vicinity. I make it back and I had practice in two hours. I get no sleep, go to school, get a ride to practice and we get to the field that I woke up right next to. This is our third practice of the year. Everyone's looking at me telling me I look like complete shit, what did I do last night? I tell them I woke up down the block with no clothes, no wallet and no phone and they all tell me how awesome of a story it was. What a great first impression I made on my new teammates. 


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