Wednesday, October 5, 2011

So You're The Dumbass Who Cheated On His Hot Girlfriend With An Ugly Chick?

So I had this friend who back in the day had this beautiful girlfriend. And then he went out and decided that he was going to cheat on his beautiful girl with this disgustingly ugly chick. Just because she's willing to blow you in the bathroom you're going to cheat with a hideous chick? News flash, this girl has to offer blowies in the bathroom to get guys, because she's hideous. 

Now not only are you a total dumbass for cheating down, you are also a dumbass for getting caught. You also broke the main rule in the rules of cheating as well as becoming "that guy". This rule goes for guys as well as girls. The rule is that you never cheat down, you only cheat up. Meaning that if you're girl's an 8, you can only cheat with a 9 or a 10. You don't cheat on an 8 with a fucking 4, that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard of. You can't even cheat with another 8, it must always be up. 

Why do you only cheat up? Because if you're the idiot who gets caught, you don't want to go back and say it wasn't worth it. Not that I'm condoning cheating, I'm just telling you what the rules are. Same goes for girls. You're not gonna cheat down. You're gonna cheat with the guy who's chiseled out of stone and has an eight pack, not the guy with the beer belly. 

To all the beautiful girls who have been a victim of your ex cheating on you, and cheating down, let me say this, they need their heads examined. If you need a rebound, you all know my contact information so don't be bashful. But always remember, if you're gonna cheat, always go up, don't go down. And also, don't be the jackass who gets caught. 

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