Friday, October 14, 2011

Defriendment Friday's

I didn't even need to look hard this week...

Steve the Hammer:

The Culprit: A.J. (last name removed)

Status that broke the camel's back: "Wish I was dreaming right about now... :/ insomnia is a terrible thing"

Reason for Defriendment: ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! Do you have a set of balls between your legs? First of all, like my post from Wednesday, just because you can't sleep one night doesn't mean you have insomnia you dick. And what's with the face bro? Men don't use faces of any sort while writing on the internet or texting. Stop throwing your little pity party on facebook, no chick wants to console you because you can't sleep. You look like Elmo with downs syndrome, there's no way you're getting a late night booty call out of a status like this.


Culprit: Nikki (last name removed)

Status that lead to execution: "*sigh*...I hate blahh moods and telling myself I can't do something...I'm trying to tell my self anything is possible with hard work but I'm failing at it...I hate feeling low about myself=/ In need of a big hug and motivation right about now."

My reaction: Pretty much a no brainer here. This chick has been blowing up my news feed with garbage like this for about 2 years. I have absolutely no clue why I'm friends with her on facebook. Everything about this status makes me laugh. Congrats out your problems on facebook. Btw not everything is possible with hard work... if you're a moron nothing will help. I hope you didn't get that big hug... I HOPE TO GOD YOU DIDN'T GET THAT BIG HUG!. I hope you got a text from someone you love telling you that you're worthless and you went into a deep black hole of a depression. Clearly you didn't since the next day you said you'd be leaving facebook for a month and then were on it the next day. May god have mercy on your soul.

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