Friday, October 7, 2011

Defriendment Friday's

Honestly, this should just be a holiday at this point...

Steve the Hammer:

The Culprit: Jen (last name removed)

Status that broke the camel's back: "All you iPhone-ers...What are some cool apps I should download??"

Reason for Defriendment: First thing's first, absolutely no reason to hyphenate the term iphoners, with two e's. Next, the fact that you actually posted this on facebook gave you a one way ticket to defriendment, and third there was absolutely no need for the double question mark at the end. Plus you wrote one before this about you going to a painting bar. A painting bar? I'd rather masturbate into a fan going full speed. Byeeeeeeee (in Stu from The Hangover's voice).

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