Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Asshole Of The Day Award

Just two dudes sitting in a car getting drunk in their backyard when they get into a little argument. One guy says to the other, "Well, why don't you shoot me," and the guy actually shot him, in the face. Now as easy as it would be for me to give this award to the shooter, I'm not going to do that. I'm going to give it to the dead guy who called his buddies bluff and ended up getting shot in the face. You can't just get housed and start telling people to shoot you bro. Eventually someone's gonna pull the trigger, and this guy did. Now your ass is grass, or buried underneath the grass; however you wanna put it. Although you will never actually get to wear this t-shirt, you get one anyway. And I'll probably see you in hell for writing this post about you. 

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