Monday, October 3, 2011

Asshole Of The Day Award

If you think that your son's girlfriend has been stealing jewelry from you, what is the proper course of action? Is it A) Confront her and see what she has to say for herself, B) Mention it to your son, or C) throw a big ass Bible at her head? The correct answer in this case is of course C. This lady thought her son's girlfriend was stealing her jewelry so she decided to chuck a Bible at the girl, which hit her in the eye and caused her to start bleeding. Lady, a Bible is at the very minimum like ten pounds. You can't just be chucking ten pound objects around a house at your son's girl whether she was stealing jewelry from you or not. Plus chances are that you're old and senile and probably just misplaced the jewelry. Here is your t-shirt crazy lady. I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul. 

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