Tuesday, September 13, 2011

You Think These Cops Fucked Up?

I'm late on this one I know, but have you seen these cops at yesterday's West Indian Day Parade in New York City just molesting these women? I mean, granted these women just egged them on and came up to the cops ready to bend over and back their shit up all over them. But still, in the wide world of youtube and camera phones, you can't just start dry humping west indian chicks who are wearing virtually no clothes while you're on duty and in uniform. Middle guy, did you not think that this was getting taped by some jerkoff with a camera phone when you were doing your running man dry hump? Or guy all the way to the left, did you really think no one was going to catch on tape your dry pile driver exhibition? Get a clue next time. You can't be doing this shit in uniform. When you're off duty, do whatever you want. When you're in uniform, at least act like a cop. That's all I have to say. Oh, and you guys are absolutely awful dancers. Please get some lessons before your next go around. 


  1. "New York's Finest Gone Wild". The first time I saw this I actually thought it was fake but the fact that it's real makes it twice as hilarious

  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BwnbUQM9UQ&feature=player_embedded

    they should of went to that after party
