Monday, September 19, 2011

Yeah, This One's About You

I have to be totally honest, I have never been provoked by a single person to write a blog about them until last Friday night. I was confronted by a female telling me that I specifically wrote two posts about her I would say about four months ago. First of all, if you're still holding a grudge over something that you think happened four months ago, you need to get over it. Secondly, those posts were not about you, but now this one is. Yes, this one if 100% all about you. If she's reading this, she knows who she is. 

First of all, she seems to think I wrote a post about her trying to make her ex boyfriend jealous. Is it my fault that you were dancing on the bar and staring at your ex boyfriend every six seconds? Did you ever think it was just coincidence? No, you don't think like that because apparently the earth revolves around you and not the sun. Like I said in my earlier post, doing your ass shaking on top of the bar or on a pole doesn't make your ex jealous, it just makes him realize why he's not with you anymore. 

So no, that earlier post wasn't about you. Why would I write a post about ex girlfriends and write it specifically about a girl who isn't my ex girlfriend? That wouldn't make sense would it? Exactly. Also, coming up to me and telling me that I wrote about you is never actually a smart thing to do. Because then the asshole has to come out and write posts like this one. I must be quite the celebrity if I'm pissing off people I haven't seen in months. 

When I see you again I just ask you to please not try to punch me or talk to me like this website is suddenly all about you. None of it was about you. Until this post, of course. I guess you got what you wanted, you got a post all about you. Keep your eyes open, you might just get another one today. 

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