Thursday, September 1, 2011

What Do You Get Out Of Making Out With The Entire Bar?

This is specifically directed at women, although some guys do this to. Not all guys, but a select few do this as well. But I want to find out what the female method to your madness is. What exactly are you getting out of making out with the entire bar? No, I'm not saying every girl does this, but I have witnessed girls make out with like five different dudes at the same bar. What are you getting out of that? Please, I need to know.

You go out, you find a guy and that's all well and good except for the fact that you have no intentions of staying with that guy. You just want a couple of drinks and a make out session and then it's on to the next one. Then you start the same process all over again. Why? Wouldn't your life be a lot easier if you just stuck to one guy who's interested in you that night? He's buying you drinks anyway, why not just stay with him? Right, he might not be good looking enough and since you're insecure you need to know you can get other guys. So you move on.

You repeat the cycle a number of different times but there is always one constant. It is probably the most annoying constant of all being that you make out with every guy who walks in the place. You NEVER go home with any of them. Do you think that makes you look better? The fact that you make out with five guys and then don't leave with any of them does not make you look classy. You're the worst type of whore if you do this. The worst type of whore is a make out whore. Why? Because she thinks she's not a whore, but her whore tendencies fly off the page. You're not a whore just because you go home with a guy. Trust me, ask anyone. So what is your method in this make out with everyone plan?

See, you don't look like less of a trash bag by doing this. Your top amount of guys that you should make out with at the same place is two. Anything over two, you look like a whore. Also, if your legs aren't open for business, you're wasting your time. Guys aren't looking for make out sessions anymore. They're looking to take you home, shut the bedroom door, and go to pleasure town. Basically, instead of making out with the entire bar, just find one guy. Once you find him, let him buy you drinks like the jackass that he is, go home with him, and let him lay some pipe. You get much more out of it, he gets much more out of it, and everybody wins.

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