Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Things To Know When Going Back To Visit Your College

Alumni, whether you're going back to your college for an alumni weekend visit, or just going up to get away, I'm giving you some things you should know when you get back up there. It's not the same anymore, you need to know certain things in order to not be the out of place creepy person; like the guy in the picture up top. 

Bring a house warming gift: Since you're most likely staying at a house when you go back to visit, make sure you bring some type of house warming gift. A classy bottle of alcohol, or a case of beer usually works. But show a little class and bring something. Nobody gets a free ride, so you staying there should come with a price. It's an unwritten rule.

Don't go to house parties: Unless the house you're staying at is throwing the party, you can't show up at a house party of someone you don't know. There's always freshman at house parties, and that would make you like 22 years old hanging out with 17 year olds. It just doesn't work. You'll look totally out of place, and totally creepy. Just go to a bar where you can at least blend in. 

Do not go walking around campus: You don't go there anymore! Don't go walking around campus trying to re-live your glory days when you were "the man". No one wants to see you since you're not supposed to be there. Just don't even bother. Unless it's an alumni weekend thing where you're tailgating with alumni in the parking lot, don't go strolling around the campus. 

If she's younger than a junior, don't rob the cradle: You're gonna go out, you're gonna get hammered, that's what you went up there for. Obviously guys, you're trying to get some college tang one more time. Make sure she's at least a junior. I know if you're 22, and half your age plus seven means 18, but a 22 year old dude waking up in the freshman dorms makes you nothing more than a creepy loser. 

You shouldn't try and rekindle the flame: If you had a past hook up buddy when you were still in school, don't try and rekindle the flame with them while you're back there. If you haven't spoken to them in months, they've forgotten about you and probably have a new hook up buddy. Shooting a text out of nowhere to tell them that you're there makes you nothing more than a stalker. Don't bother. 

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