Sunday, September 18, 2011

These Coors Light Ice Cube Commercials Are Miserable

The one thing I don't think I can tolerate while watching football is dumb commercials. And these Ice Cube Coors Light commercials make me want to put a bat through my TV. You're telling me you couldn't get anyone better than Ice Cube to do your commercials? I mean I get what the joke is supposed to be, but Ice Cube is a worse actor that Keanu Reeves, and I thought that was nearly impossible. Get some new marketing techniques please.


  1. Not only is he a bad actor, the commercials are scripted to pander to complete idiots. Does anyone actually enjoy these stupid f$&@(&! Things? Who is running the marketing dept for Coors???

  2. I thought I was the only one who hate these commercials!
