Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Summer is Over, Now Get Over It

Even though Summer isn't technically over, it's fucking over. Summer is technically over on September 23, the Fall Equinox. But as soon as September 1st hits, that means the weather is getting cooler and everyone returns to school.

To be honest, I have no problem with that. The Summer is a good time. Barbecues, pools, cold beers on a deck, are all things the summer exclusively has that are very enjoyable. Not to mention girls in jean shorts that are smaller than my boxers. But bring on the Fall baby. The Fall is the best season of the 4. To be honest, Summer is probably third on my list. With Winter being dead last because let's face it, if Winter is your favorite season you have issues.

Fall isn't overly and disgustingly hot or bitter and miserably cold. It is basically right in the middle. For a kid who sweats walking to the front door, I don't do well in hot temperatures. The cold bothers me less, probably because I am naturally insulated like an arctic sea mammal, but still, the cold sucks. The Fall is also a very pretty season, and if you are a guy reading this and say, "Wow is Quite Frank-ly gay?", you are kidding yourself if you never said to yourself how nice the trees look when the leaves change.

If you are a guy and are complaining that summer is over we need to have a sit down, where I basically do the talking and you listen. The Fall has 3 things that equal awesomeness. If you are having a difficult time thinking of all three, you can drop your man card off to any of your local Home Depots. 1) Baseball Playoffs 2) Football Season begins 3) Hockey Season begins

If you are a girl, I understand you being upset. Now you have to pay to keep your tan instead of sitting on your deck on a Monday afternoon. Say it ain't so!!! Enjoy the Basil Cell Carcinoma.

Bring on the Fall, bring on the playoffs, football and hockey season. And most importantly bring on Thanksgiving! The Summer is over, your life isn't. If you are complaining that it's Fall, what the hell are you going to do when it's January and there is a foot of snow on the ground all the time?

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