Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Guy, could you have picked a worse time to get sucked into your cell phone? I think you have a few other things to worry about at the moment that are a little more important than whoever you're texting. And what about these cops? There's like ten of you and you can't arrest this guy? While he's texting you can't you just have three guys attack him? He's not gonna stab anyone if you get him from three different angles. And you have guns, if he tries to stab you can't you just shoot him in the leg? I don't know all the rules on this one but I'm pretty sure that's allowed. Anyway, I really want to know who he was texting and what he was saying. If you come up with any good things that he could have possibly been texting, comment on this or email me. I'm just gonna say that his spell check texted "Puck The Police". 

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