Sunday, September 11, 2011

Never Forget

Listen, we all know I don't put anything like this up here ever. My rule is no politics and no religion. But it's the ten year anniversary of 9/11 and this is something that needs to be mentioned. I know that I, and pretty much everyone else will never forget what happened on that day back in 2001. We should always remember and honor the people who died saving lives that day, and our troops who are keeping us safe here at home at we speak. I'm sure you know someone who is over there right now fighting every day so that you can wake up in the morning and be able to read shit from my insignificant website. If you see our troops who are lucky enough to be home, make sure that you walk up to them and say thank you. 

Never forget what happened ten years ago, and never forget how lucky you are to have what you have. Also, don't forget how far we have come since this day in 2001. And never take fore granted the little things in life. So while you're watching football on opening day today, whether you're home with your family, or out at a bar, remember why you're able to do whatever it is that you're doing. 

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