Friday, September 9, 2011

How Big Are Mel Gibson's Balls?

"For me, it goes against the tenets of my faith, to be racist in any form. To be anti-Semitic is a sin. It's been condemned by one Papal Council after another. There's encyclicals on it, which is, you know -- to be anti-Semitic is to be unchristian, and I'm not."

Fucking Mel Gibson. This guy just knows how to piss people off. Absolutely no cares in the world. Loves blaming the jews for all of his problems, and all of the problems in the world, yet he still has the cojones to make a movie about one of their beloved heroes, Judah Macabee. I respect the move, I expect nothing less from Detective Riggs. Think about how much money this movie is going to make. Think about how many Jews are going to see this movie and contribute to his always accumulating wealth. You know the movie is going to be good because the guy does nothing but put out quality films. As a jew, I hate him. As a moviegoer, I love him...He knows how to step up to the plate and piss everyone off and still make bank. SPIELBERG needs to step the fuck up.

P.S. Warner Brothers is producing the movie, they also like money

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