Monday, September 12, 2011

Did Entourage Make The Best Decision in 5 Years Last Night?

So last night concluded the Entourage series, which has in all honesty been total crap for about five years. The only thing good about the show these last five years was Ari, and occasionally Johnny Drama. The show started off awesome because it had a central focus; which was Vince's career. As shows always do, the minor characters started to develop their own stories and the show felt it was appropriate to spend as much time about their stories rather than the "main story." If this was an hour long show maybe this could work, but it wasn't an hour long, and most of the time it wasn't even a half hour long so there was no way an effective episode could be made.

Add to that the show "jumped the shark" long ago. I can literally give you the exact episode when the show started to fall. I don't remember the guys name, all I know is that he was the head of the studio producing Aquaman and that he hated Vince and would never allow him to do a movie with him again. So, in order to save Vince's career the writers of the show gave him a heart attack on the golf course; are you fucking kidding me? That's the exact point the show started to fall. Last night however, at the end of the episode after the credits rolled we may have been given a glimpse of the future.

I may be reading into it, but it seems as if the writers left open an option to have an Ari spinoff show with him as the central character. In all honesty this would be a great idea. Clearly Ari is the best actor on the show and the only one who can carry a show on his own. I personally would love to see this show get greenlit or even get considered. We will see what happens, all I know is I'm glad Entourage is over because I sat through these last five years of shit because of the greatness of the first three seasons. Victory!!

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