Thursday, September 15, 2011

Creepy Guys, You Need To Get Off Facebook...


Guys, well not all guys, this is mainly for the creepy guys. But you creepy bastards need to get off facebook. Has anyone ever noticed that more creepy shit goes on in the facebook world than pretty much anywhere else? I notice a lot of shit that goes on, and I have to tell you, there are some guys who are the biggest facebook creeps I have ever seen. 

First of all, a girl just gets out of a relationship. So a thing pops up on your mini feed that says whatever the girls name is, followed by went from "in a relationship" to "single". Every time I see this, I see a thing that says, 5 people like this. Of course, I can't resist and I have to click to see who likes this thing and is feeding this girl attention. Normally, when five people like a newly single girl's relationship status, one of the five is the girl's best friend and the other four are creepy ass guys. Just because you like the fact that she's single doesn't mean she has any interest in you. You might as well just write on her wall saying, "I've masturbated to you ever since you started going out with that kid." It's fucking creepy, especially if you don't actually speak to the girl. 

Secondly, and this is probably the creepiest thing going, when girls upload photos of themselves, or change their profile picture. Guys, is it really necessary to like the girl's mobile upload of her close up with her titty cleavage hanging out? I know it's a phenomenal picture, but again, you might as well comment and say, "I'm going to masturbate to this later. I call it face fucking." Like are you guys kidding me? Are you trying to be a fucking creep or do you not realize that you're doing it? It's fucking weird.

So in conclusion, some of you guys really need to stop being creepy in the facebook world, or just do everyone a favor and get off facebook. Stop facebook messaging chicks that you never met in person, and stop liking pictures of them all over the place. Also, stop liking newly single relationship statues. You come off as a creep and your .001% chance that you already had of getting with her anytime in your life drops down to a complete 0%. If you don't believe me, ask around. Girls catch on quick to the creepy shit. 

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