Friday, September 9, 2011

College Sophomores: Your Sophomore Year Priority List

Not gonna lie to you guys, the sophomore class is the group that no one really gives two shits about. You're not freshman anymore so you're not new, and you really don't bring much to the table. You're kind of just there. That's alright though, you still have a list of shit that you need to know for this year, even though this list may be small.

Figure out who your real friends are: This is the year where you figure out who you're going to remain friends with for the rest of your college career. Half the kids you hung out with your freshman year, you will not hang out with for the rest of college. You will see them out, say what's up, have some conversations with them, but you won't be close friends with them. You'll be acquaintances. Your friends from sophomore year will be the ones you finish your career with.

If you're in a relationship, it's time to get out: A relationship in your freshman year is cute and everything, but it's time to start enjoying college. You can't get the full college experience if you have an anchor holding you down. If you want a girlfriend then get one when you graduate. For now just sleep around with as many people as possible. Of course, use protection. I cannot stress that enough.

Develop your persona: This is the year where people start to know who you are, and what type of person you are. Are you a party animal? Are you the nice person who doesn't drink? Are you a player? Are you a whore? Does the guy need to put in work to get with you? These questions are all answered in your sophomore year. If you're an asshole, people will know. If you're a girl who's a virgin Mary, people will know that too. This is the year when everything gets figured out.

Use the older kids to your advantage: I'm sure you have juniors and seniors that you're friends with. Use them to your advantage. Do they have houses or apartments? I'm sure they do. Use their houses for pre gaming purposes or party purposes. Trust me, they don't care if you invite yourselves.

If you get with a freshman, it's always at your place: Guy or girl, if you get with a younger person you always go back to your place. You're the older one, you have the nicer dorm, you win the place coin flip. If a freshman insists that you go back to their dorm, tell them to kick rocks. That's not the way it works. It's best they learn that early on.

There you go sophomores, you're such misfits that you only get 5 priorities. They're still important priorities, but there's just not that many. You're in a good spot, you're under the radar and no one really knows about you guys. Keep it that way but start developing your reputation. This is the year for you to do that.

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