Tuesday, September 13, 2011

College Freshman: What You Need To Know For You Freshman Year

Freshman, you're the second most talked about group on campus. First it's the seniors, then comes you little pricks. I'm going to be the nice guy that I am and give you a nice little list of things that you need to know for your freshman year. These are important.

Communicate with your roommate: Whether you like your roommate or hate your roommate, communication is the key. It's tough not knowing someone and suddenly living with them, which is why you need to be on the same page at all times. If you're planning on bringing someone back to your room, make sure you text your roomie to make sure you can have the room. People don't want to have sex with you with a roommate watching. It's just not the way the world works. If they don't know the roommate's there, more power to you. But make sure you talk about things with your roommate all the time.

If you don't do some schoolwork, you'll only be there one semester: It's your first time on your own, and you can do whatever you want. Don't be the person who has nothing to do during finals week because you think you're just going to walk in and pass. Not registering a GPA will get you kicked out. So just do a little work every week that way you can somehow pass your classes. Party hard, but balance your work a little bit.

Meet as many people as possible: Don't be afraid to meet people. In college, most people are friendly and will hold a conversation with you. If you seem cool, you at least have an acquaintance. The more acquaintances you have, the better chance you have of getting free drinks when you go out. You'd be surprised how many people buy drinks for people they're not that close with.

Establish whether you want a boyfriend/girlfriend or a posse: You're in a new place, there's a ton of new people around, and you need to decide what you want. Do you want a boyfriend or a girlfriend, or do you just want to roll deep with a posse. It's your freshman year, roll with a posse, you'll be able to have your pick of guys or girls that you want instead of being stuck to just one. But if you're the relationship type, you'll get to have sex every single night.

Don't become the puker: You're going to party in your freshman year. Make sure you pace yourself with the drinking. Get drunk, get very drunk, just don't be the person who yaks all over the place every time you drink. Learn to pace yourself, that way you don't have people doing impressions of you throwing up when you walk by them in the hallway.

Don't burn bridges: You're probably going to sleep with a random person early on in your college career. Don't make it awkward and burn the bridge after that by not speaking to them ever again. Stay in touch and be nice to them. You never know when one of you is going to be feeling frisky on a drunk Thursday night. You might just get that random drunk text and you'll end up getting some rounds in.

Find a group of friends who are the opposite sex: You're going to need a group of friends who are the opposite sex. It's a must have when you're in college. Why? Because they have other friends you don't know about, and you have other friends they don't know about. These will be your friends throughout your college career. As hard is it may be, and although it will probably happen more than once, try not to hook up with your friends of the opposite sex. Friends with benefits is cool, but that'll only last for so long before one of you says something and ruins it. You don't want shit to get awkward. Keep it professional and only hook up with their outside friends.

Make friends with Public Safety: Why in the world would you want to do that? If you make friends with the public safety people who work your dorm, you don't get bag checked ever. You can practically walk in holding the alcohol in your hand. They don't care if you drink, they don't get paid any extra for stopping you from bringing alcohol into the dorms. If you're friends with them, they'll turn the other way every time.

Don't become attached to a house of seniors: You're probably going to know older people, especially some seniors. Don't get attached to partying at their house all the time because next year they're not gonna be there. Find a lot of different older people, that are both juniors and seniors. That way you have houses to go to next year when the juniors become seniors.

If the person you want isn't single, move on: There are plenty of single people strolling around your campus. If the guy or girl you want is taken, just move on to the next one. You can easily find three single people for every taken person. It's just science. Don't get caught up with one person, have some variety. But make sure you're using protection, you don't know where most of these people have been.

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