Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Asshole Of The Day Award


For all the things women can do that men can't do, there is one advantage that men have. That is the ability to take a piss anytime, anywhere we want. We don't need a toilet. Women, on the other hand, need a toilet anytime they want to take a piss. Apparently this woman forgot about that rule. She just decided to pop a squat in the park and start peeing. When the cops came to tell her that there was a complaint about a woman peeing in the park she responded with, "I lost weight and my pants fell down." Is that really the best excuse you could come up with? I lost weight and my pants fell down? So do you just automatically start peeing once your pants fall down? Because that's what you're implying by that sentence. This is probably one of the top five most unattractive things that a woman can do, possibly top three. Here's your t-shirt. Peeing in public and making up terrible excuses for it is no way to go through life hun. 

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