Friday, September 2, 2011

Asshole Of The Day Award,0,1389618.story

When you call a prostitute and she doesn't look like the one that you ordered what do you do? Do you A) Deal with it because after all, she is a prostitute B) Complain until she leaves or C) Call the cops to tell them that you ordered a prostitute and she robbed you? If you chose C, you are correct. I'm sorry guy, but just how stupid are you? First of all, did you really expect the girl to look like the girl from the ad? She's a prostitute, they're all gonna look good in the ad just so assholes like you buy them. Secondly, why would you call the cops? Did you forget that prostitution is illegal? Apparently. So then you get arrested for paying for sex. Karma's a real bitch isn't it? You dug your own grave big man, here's your t-shirt, enjoy that holding cell. 

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