Friday, August 5, 2011

A Titanic Battle Comes To An End

For those of you who don't know, I (Steve the Hammer) and Sam the Sloth happen to work at a summer camp. Yes, the two of us are in charge of twenty four maniac children from 8:30am to 3:45pm. Our groups happen to have the biggest rivalry in the history of American Summer Camps. The rivalry is in the game of Dodgeball, and it all came to an end yesterday.

Now Sam and I happen to put these kids through vigorous workout routines and practices to get them ready for the field of battle. Six long weeks ago we decided that we were going to play best of seven series until camp was over. For the most part, these series were evenly matched and the coaching needed to be top notch. Obviously the coaching was top notch, we write blogs.

Anyway, Sam's group took the first series in 6 games. It was not a very close 6 game series as my children decided to just not show up to win the games. That was when I made my decision as a coach to begin workout regimens and practice plans to keep our group from turning into the laughing stock of camp. We would bounce back in series number two, taking it in 7 games. Not to mention, we climbed our way back from a 3-2 deficit.

Yesterday, was the culmination of camp and dodgeball for the summer of 2011. Game 7, winner take all. Myself and Sam were sporting classy shirts and ties for what would be the final battle of the year. We had pre game interviews detailing what needed to happen in order to win the game. Yes, it was that big of a deal. What was the outcome? I, Steve the Hammer and my group would climb out of yet another 3-2 deficit to take home the victory. Would I say my game plan was a little bit better than Sam's? Probably. But whatever the case was, we won the game, the series, and the coveted tin foil dodgeball trophy. The titanic battle has finally come to an end. Now the only thing I have left to say is, "I'm going to Disney World!"

Sidenote: I may possibly be selling B-2 championship merchandise just to piss Sam off. We would be getting snapback hats for $1 each, t-shirts for $5 each and there is still a chance for hoodies at $10 each. Also, if you want to know what type of coaches we are, there may possibly be a video soon if we can get some editing done. And yes, Sam has pulled kids off the field who didn't actually get out in the game. Why? Just because. Also, B-1 championship merchandise has been sent to a small country in Africa. Look out on ESPN for the heartwarming story.

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