Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Stop With This A-Rod Nonsense...

The news is that A-Rod might be suspended for playing underground illegal poker. Why is poker illegal if you're not playing it at a casino? Shut up. The guy has a life outside of baseball and more money than he knows what to do with. If he wants to go blow a few grand at a poker game, then let him. It's his money, he can do what he wants with it. He's not betting on baseball so just let him be. It's not like he's not making more per at bat than most people make in a year. Maybe I'm just biased because I love A-Rod. I hate how everything he does is looked at under a microscope. Let the guy live his life a little bit. Trust me, once he's gone, you're going to remember how great this guy actually was. When healthy, he's the best player in baseball and I will take that to the bank with me any day of the week. He'll hit 30 home runs and drive in 100 RBI's in a bad year. That sounds pretty ridiculous to me. Leave the guy alone. I hope when he gets off the DL he goes on a tear just to shut everyone up for once. Especially the people who know nothing about baseball.

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