Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Sorry Girls, But You Fart

You also burp. You are NOT fooling anyone. I have witnessed it with my own two eyes, heard it with my own two ears and smelt it with my bloodhound like nose. I don't care how classy you are, how elegant you are. The Queen of England farts/burps, and so do you, and nothing is classier than an English broad in her old age.

I will never understand why you deny it. Maybe you might not do it in public or you do it very secretively, but that doesn't mean you don't do it. I don't walk around naked in public, that doesn't mean when I am home alone I am not sporting the worlds finest birthday suit and strutting my stuff. Now it is obvious that girls fart and burp. It is obvious because we have all seen particular women do it, which means by the simple fact that we are all humans beings. So you burp and fart too.

Girls, the icing on the cake is you also queef. Now Microsoft Word might not think this is a word and throw a little squiggle red line under it, but I know, and Steve the Hammer knows, and Vince of Reason knows, Johnny Baseball knows, Tommy the Mic knows, and our newest member Sam the Sloth also knows that queef is a word, and so do YOU! It also actually happens. So us guys have two gas releasing mechanisms that smell and make a noise but you have three. Who's classy now??? I leave you with that food for thought and probably just brought your world down on you. Wasn't it biblical?

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