Friday, August 5, 2011

Sexy vs Not Sexy

With all the talk going on about summer ending I have made an executive decision to write a post about what is sexy vs what is not sexy. There really isn't any other way for me to put it, so let me just get right to it...

Sexy: Girl wearing short shorts
Not Sexy: Fat girl wearing short shorts

Sexy: Showing some stomach
Not Sexy: Fat girl showing some stomach

Sexy: A tan
Not Sexy: A burnt orange tan

Sexy: A picture of you in your bikini
Not Sexy: A picture of you, taken by you, in the mirror doing a kissy face

Sexy: Knowing how to party
Not Sexy: Having your head in the toilet bowl by midnight

Sexy: Single ladies
Not Sexy: "Single" ladies who still talk to their ex boyfriend

Sexy: Sun glasses
Not Sexy: Sun glasses that look like two man hole covers on your face

Sexy: Tight Jeans
Not Sexy: Capris

Sexy: Great legs
Not Sexy: Great legs with hair

Sexy: Lifeguards
Not Sexy: Fat Lifeguards

Sexy: Being in shape
Not Sexy: Being in a round shape

This is just a start of things I could come up with, please comment on this and add to this list...

1 comment:

  1. Sexy:Hot girl at a club

    Not Sexy:Hot girl at a club surrounded by her ugly friends
