Thursday, August 11, 2011

New York Giants: What Are You Doing?

With all the recent NFL signings that have been going on, I dare to ask this one question to the New York football Giants: What the hell are you doing? Wait, I can actually answer that question. The answer would be, NOTHING. Are you kidding me? Let's recap the shittiest off season in the history of the NFL right here, right now. 

To begin, you let half of the offensive line go. You just decided that you were going to release O'Hara and Seubert and break up a unit that's been together for six years and actually has chemistry. Then we don't do anything with Kevin Boss, which I wasn't that upset about because I really don't think he's that good. Okay fine. We don't try and sign Plaxico, we let him go to the goddamn JETS! Are you serious? You let him walk to the Jets. If you're in the Giants front office and you don't hate everything about the Jets then you shouldn't even be involved with football in any way, shape or form. You let him go to your cross town rival, with their loud mouth coach. Really? 

Now we have the case cracker, what really makes me want to drive over to the Meadowlands and ask Jerry Reese exactly what his big plans are. You let Steve Smith walk to the Eagles! To your division rival. You let him walk to the team that stole the NFC East title from you last year. Your reasoning for not signing Plaxico was because you were going to sign Smith. Now you don't even have Smith. What's going to happen when everyone starts doubling Nicks? You have no idea because we don't even have a number two receiver. Manningham is a 3rd receiver at best and I don't even know who else is on the depth chart. Ramses Barden has been invisible since he's been drafted. I've never seen a 6'6 specimen disappear on a football field like this guy does. And I don't even know who the other receivers are. Hixon is back, but he's a kick returner, not a number two wideout. 

If you guys are dumb enough to think that Eli can be Peyton and just make great receivers out of below average players then you are smoking some type crack that causes you to become delusional. Eli needs good receivers to succeed, he is not Peyton. So now you have put the Giants offense in a position where if they can't run the ball, they're completely screwed. Nice job front office, thank you for ruining my Sundays. The Eagles are putting together a super squad while you sign a punter. You're the laughing stock of the league. I can honestly say that I may boycott the season, because you've done nothing to prove that you want to put a winning team on the field. 

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