Monday, August 1, 2011

Little Kids Who Like Lebron James

Post By Sam the Sloth:

There is a growing phenomenon happening right before my eyes, in my own backyard and it’s making me sick and fearful for my life. I couldn't give a shit less about the debt ceiling, and I don’t care about Rupert Murdoch tapping into my phone, I’m not important. But little kids sporting Lebron James jerseys and liking Lebron James scares the living shit out of me. It makes me wonder who their parents are.

What kind of sadistic, psychopath could allow their child to like Lebron James and sport his gear? Newsflash yuppie!! You’re from New York. Lebron literally slapped us in the face last year when he announced his “decision” to take his REGULAR SEASON talents to South Beach. And you think it’s ok to allow your son or daughter to wear his gear? What kind of message are you sending your kids? 

“Don’t worry honey, being an enormous asshole is fine...” I can’t fathom what kind of parent would allow their child to support Lebron James. Communists? People who hate America? Osama Bin Laden? I know my dad would have spit in my face if I came home in a Lebron James jersey. Because like most New Yorkers, he loves the Knicks…and freedom. 

The parents who let their kids rock a jersey with the name of one of the biggest assholes on the planet on it are the same people who are going to become Nets fans when they move to Brooklyn. If you like Lebron James and you’re from anywhere in the country, that's not Miami, Florida; then you might as well teach your kids that getting a 5th place trophy is just as good as coming in 1st, to start liking John Rocker, and to support people who hate America.

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