Monday, August 15, 2011

Johnny Baseballs NFL Quarterback Rankings

Have you ever been with your friends one night talking about football and everyone's Top Ten NFL Quarterbacks are revealed? Aruging insues and a bunch of people disagree and say your list sucks, and hell, you think their list sucks. Johnny Baseball is going to be taking it one step further ladies and gentlemen. Not only, will I be ranking the Top Ten Quaterbacks in the NFL, I will be doing a list, a ranking, an order, of all 32 NFL Quaterbacks who will be starting this year. Bear with me folks, this wasn't as easy as it sounds. *Also some starters are going to be assumed by me because teams haven't announced it. But let's face it, if you don't know who your starting QB is right now, you are probably going to suck and won't crack the top 25.

#32 - Whoever the hell the Redskins will be starting at QB. John Beck or Rex Grossman. The Redskins organization really means to tell me that they think they can compete in a division with Romo, Manning, and Vick with either John Beck or Rex Grossman. Get a clue. If I was living in Washington D.C. I'd pack my things up and move just a few hours away to Maryland and become a Ravens fan, because the Redskins organization is a fail. They are the poor mans Eagles right now. None the less, they have never had a solid QB. I can't even remember the last good one they had. Doug Williams won them a Super Bowl back in the 80's and well no one else has done squat for them. It is time to change the way of thinking down there.

#31 - Cam Newton - Now, I'm not going to say the Panthers wasted the first overall pick on Cam Newton, BUT, the Panthers wasted the first overall pick on Cam Newton. You draft Jimmy Clausen last year who probably wouldn't have had such a terrible year if you had someone to block for him, and now this year you take Cam. Then you decide this is the year to go out and try to actually sign some free agents and all that, DUMB. Cam Newton only threw 292 passes in his college career. That is NOT a lot, and how many times has he rushed the ball? 285...So you mean to tell me that a QB who has only 7 more passes then he has rushing attempts is going to be a solid NFL player? I don't think so. Learn from Mr.Vick, you have to throw the ball to go anywhere. Running is a great second option to have, but throwing must be first priority. Vick comes back after working on his throwing and looking to run a little less and look at the year he had last year. I can guarantee a rookie QB like Cam will not be able to read defenses and will look to scramble with too much going on and too much to process. He will be a failure. Panthers should have went elsewhere. You could have taken a position need at #1 or even traded it for a more proven QB. I hate to doom people to failure but, this one seems necessary. Also, on Sports Center they show Cam doing good, but what about the two TD passes he blatantly missed verse the Giants on that first drive? Didn't show them did they, or the number of back foot throws? Get a clue.

#30- Alex Smith -This guy is a catastrophe. It wouldn't be so bad if he wasn't the first overall pick but still, what are the 49ers doing here? You resign this bum to a one year deal? Why? Just cut your ties with a poison like Alex Smith. This will be his 6th year in the NFL and he has 9,400 yards passing with 51 TD's and here's the kicker......53 int's! Great ratio right. I don't get how you possibly can go into a season thinking you will win more than 4 games with Alex Smith. The 49er organization that was so classy and prestigious should be ashamed of themselves.

#29- Tavaris Jackson - Guy has only started 20 games in 5 years and you mean to tell me you go out there and get him before you try to get anyone else? Why? This baffles me. Tavaris Jackson is horrible. Him and his 104.4 yards a game, which some running backs accumulate more than that. I just don't get the move. And they bring in Sidney Rice, the most overrated receiver in the NFL. Had one good year with Brett Favre and they thought he was a superstar. Well have fun with Tavaris Jackson when the ball sails 9 feet over your head every time.

#28-Blaine Gabbert - Read an article today that Blaine will most likely start the preseason opener. And I'm glad. First of all his hair, GORGEOUS!, but second of all I think I like what I see with Mr. Gabbert. He can move around in the pocket a little and in college had two straight years of 3,000 yards passing with a whole bunch of touchdowns and a very little amount of INT's. He is rated so low, because we haven't seen him play, but I would rather have him then a lot of QB's right now. I think he should get the start over Garrard, that guy's time is up. Also, played in a good college conference. If, I'm picking a guy with the 10th overall pick, I want him to be playing.

#27 - Andy Dalton - Just like Blaine Gabbert, I haven't seen enough of him on the pro level to put him at a better position, in fact, I haven't seen any of him at the pro level! But I'd take this red-headed son of a bitch over Jackson and Smith any day of the week. He holds a bunch of TCU's passing records and is just a winner. MWC player of the year twice, Rose Bowl MVP, All- American, let's hope this translates well into the NFL. I think it will.

#26- Chad Henne -Not translating really well into the NFL. I thought he would be much better than what he is. More INT's than TD's and that is just never a good ratio. People want him out as their starting QB and that's also never good. It's put up or shut up time Chad, it will be your 3rd year as a starter and quite frankly, probably your last if you suck it up again.

#25 - Kevin Kolb - I don't know why I have him at 25 because I think he's a bum and sucks. But give a guy with a big arm Larry Fitzgerald and watch how many TD's this jabroni throws this year. I'll say 22. It was really funny how Clay Matthews gave him a concussion last year and knocked him into Week 10 giving Vick the starting job and history is made. I think he has a good skill set, but hey what do I know? They have a decent running game and a decent defense behind him, and well, in that division anything goes. So look for them to push for the division crown behind Kevin "Slob on my" Kolb.

#24 - Jason Campbell - Should be better than number 24 because I feel like he has the skill set and a big arm. Look at the teams he's played for; the Redskins and Raiders, two of the worst organizations in football and he still manages to post decent numbers. 68 TD's with only 46 INT's in his career, a couple of 3,000 yard passing years , can move in the pocket, so what is the problem? I think it is the teams he's played for. Some of it is probably him sucking, but mostly the teams. I can't name a receiver on the Raiders right now without looking it up so cut the guy a little slack here. Put him in a better system and he would crack the top 20.

#23 - Ryan Fitzpatrick - OH THOSE BILLS TRICKY SPECIAL TEAMS! But wait, NO! This is their Quarterback. I think this guy is going to have a breakout year. Started 13 games last year and had 23 TD's with 15 INT's and 3,000 yards, also can move a little. He has a big playmaker in Stevie "Why so Serious" Johnson and if C.J Spiller would actually lace up his cleats one Sunday and make a play he could have two. Smart guy out of Harvard, but he is in a tough division and is on a pretty bad team. Don't be surprised if he gives the Jets and Patriots some problems and maybe even an upset or two.

#22 - Matt Stafford - I hate that he is here because I think he is going to be a solid QB in the NFL, but the guy can't stay on the field. I love the toughness and intensity though. If he stays on the field, watch out, because he is a beast. In 3 games last year he had 6 TD's and 1 INT and that my friends is a damn good ratio. He has Calvin Johnson too, who is also a beast. Get the kid an offensive line so he doesn't get pounded on all game and maybe he'll stay out of a sling.

#21- Matt Hasselbeck - I'm really on the fence about Matt. I feel like he is too hot and too cold to be a solid starting QB. Granted he's tough as nails, he played with a broken thumb last year or whatever that was and last year was really his only bad bad year that he has had. He's been to a Super Bowl and has been a decent starting QB. I think the Titans are a great fit. Give a guy like Hasselbeck Chris Johnson and Kenny Britt, and he'll be fine. I have a personal vendetta against Mr. Hasselbeck though. NFC Wildcard game Seahawks vs Packers at Lambeau, "We want the ball, we're gonna score." How'd that one work out Matthew? Ask Al Harris.

#20 - Colt McCoy - Rounding out the top 20 we have Colt McCoy. Sounds crazy right? But I think he is one of the best talents of basically all the rookie QB's. He basically kept his team in every game and beat New Orleans and New England in one season. He has Peyton Hillis so I think that will help his development and I just think his talent with the little weapons that he has is pretty good for himself. Had a hell of a first Preseason game too. He is the real deal. By next year he'll easily be in the top 15.

#19 - Jay Culter - This bum cracks the top twenty. When Cutler is on he is on and there's no stopping that rocket arm that he has. He is also mobile. I think he can win you a lot of games, but like that prima donna Brett Favre, he can also lose you many games. Has the potential to be a top ten QB but I think if it hasn't happened already it isn't going to. The Bears traditionally never have a big time receiver, but they do usually have a good running game. Has a bad wrap because of that NFC Championship game but hey if you're hurt don't go out there and blow the game for your team. Would have liked better body language though, could have been a lot more supportive. As Mushin Muhammad once said, and I shit you not this is a real quote..."Chicago is where receivers go to die." And it is because they never have a good QB.

#18 - Donovan McNabb - Had a great career that will probably end without a ring. Really on a downward slope and with a rookie QB drafted in the first round I feel like he is just a bridge to get to the new guy. A terrible situation in Washington will probably plague his legacy but not too much because he has thrown for about 37,000 yards 230 touchdowns and only like 115 interceptions. Wish I could put him higher, but I would just rather have a bunch of the younger guys than him. Hopefully he'll have a better year than 14 touchdowns and 15 interceptions.

#17 - Sam Bradford - Kid is a STUD in plain english. Doesn't have the best mobility, but give him some weapons and phew, watch him work. 3,500 yards and 18 TD's with 15 INT's last year with basically Steve the Hammer and Vince of Reason playing wideout for them. Not to mention having Stephen Jackson and a few decent fullbacks and tight ends who can catch the ball. Surround this guy with a little better talent and he will continue to get better and better and better. Love the attitude and the way he plays.

#16 - Joe Flacco - The most overrated QB in the NFL. Can't name a big game that he's won, but he's at 16 because he has had two 3,500 yard seasons and has 60 TD's and only 34 INT's. Those are pretty good numbers and I feel like he has never had a big time receiver other than Boldin. Hopefully with some help he can progress and win a few big ones for the fans down in Baltimore because they aren't getting any younger. I feel like they baby him and don't let him air the ball out enough, let the kid play he's got a huge arm.

#15- Kyle Orton. His win loss record is atrocious but he puts up numbers. Also, don't forget half of that defense was hurt last year including Elvis Dumervill. What Johnny Baseball doesn't get is how in the world as an organization do you even consider starting Tebow over this guy? 20 TD's 9 INT's 3,700 yards last year. And in two years with the Broncos he has 41 TD's and only one of those years he had Brandon Marshall and last year he made Brandon Lloyd a star. Give this man some credit please. 71 TD's and 48 INT's and you want Tim Tebow? You deserve to go 2-14 again. Trade Kyle away to a team that wants him and will actually make a playoff run.

#14- Mark Sanchez - The only reason he is this high is because he shows up big time when it counts. The Playoffs. Playoffs? Yes, playoffs. In the regular season Sanchez is a serviceable Quarterback, nothing crazy, throws more INT's than TD's but something happens in big situations where he just comes through. Five 4th quarter comebacks and 7! Yes, 7 game winning drives. Pretty impressive. In 6 playoff games? 9 TD'S 3 INT's and about 1,155 yards, again, pretty impressive. That alone makes great QB's. All he has to do is play more consistent during the year and we'll see him in the Top 10.

#13 - Matt Cassel - Yes I think he is this good. He comes in for Tom Brady and goes 11-5 and misses the playoffs somehow. Also, in two years in KC, he's done extremely well. In 3 years as a starter he basically has had over 3,000 yards each year and has 30 more TD's than INT's. He gets no credit or recognition but Matt Cassel is damn good. Dwayne Bowe finally turned out to be the monster we thought he would be and with Charles and some other weapons like Moeaki and Breaston it could be a really big year for him.

#12 - Eli Manning - Posts pretty good stats each year, but just his attitude, that stupid fucking look he gives to everyone, and his demeanor annoys me. Won a Superbowl, thanks to the biggest fix in sports history. Tom Brady got sacked like 4 times that whole year and you mean to tell me the Giants suddenly, miraculously, hit him like every play. Give me a break, they wanted to give Eli the ring so mommy and daddy could actually be happy for the damn kid once, cause if Peyton and Eli were my sons, I wouldn't even acknowledge Eli's existence. And don't they have another brother too? He must be a real ringer. None the less, he is a good QB, has like 6 straight 3,000 yard years with a lot more TD's than INT's, but as of late he needs to cool it with the INT's and just get smarter. Receivers did drop a ton of passes on him last year so cut him some slack.

11# Tony Romo - I hate the guy and he cannot win a big game, but he puts up NUMBERS during the year. Before this years injury he had more than 25 TD passes for 3 straight years and well over 3,000 yards in all of those years. He scrambles around and makes plays for his team. He is a want to be Brett Favre in the sense that he has that gun-slinger mentality, which is compeltely dumb. When are some QB's just going to learn to either take a sack or throw it away and that throwing across your body 44 yards down field is NOT the smart option? I'll never know. Hopefully Romo gets knocked on his ass a few more times this year, but I don't want to see him get hurt, I'd rather see him blow it in the playoffs again.

#10 Matt Schaub - Rounding out the top ten we have Mr. Schaub. I mean I guess if I had Andre Johnson and threw the ball every play I'd be a top ten QB as well. But now that he has Arian Foster and Owen Daniels healthy, watch out. Guy has thrown for over 25 TD's and 4,000 yards the past two years. Those are some big numbers. What I don't like about Matt is the defense that has his back. Worst pass defense in the NFL? C'MON SON! Horrible. Make a play or two and get this guy and Andre in the playoffs so they can light the fucking scoreboard on fire.

#9 Josh Freeman - Some may say hey Johnny Baseball you're nuts. My response "I know", that doesn't change the fact that Freeman has got SERIOUS talent. I mean we're looking at the next generation of elite QB's right here. I now not only have a man crush on Troy Tulo, but now also Josh Freeman. 3,400 yards and 25 TD last year? Child please. Filth for his first year starting in the league. Almost brought the Bucs to the playoffs too. Kid is going to be the real deal you watch and see people!

#8 - Ben Roethlisberger - I don't think I hate anyone in the NFL more than this fat, overweight, waste of space. But hell, he is a damn good QB and he is tough as nails. Ben literally leaves everything on the field and has the rings as well. Doesn't make stupid decisions and you need a train to take him down. 5 straight 3,000 yard seasons and 2 Super Bowl rings. Say what you want, but this guy is a winner in every way. Except off the field...

#7 - Matt Ryan - I think he is overrated in the playoffs but during the year he is money. Another guy who just has it, whatever "it" is, he's got it. Has a nack for just winning games. 3 straight 3,000 yard years and 66 career TD's as opposed to 34 INT's. That is a damn good ratio. Win the big game though my friend and maybe, just maybe you can crack that elite top 5.

#6 Mike Vick - I love a good second chance story and Vick is a great one. Probably shouldn't even have went to jail but he has come back with a vengeance. He does get hurt a lot but when he plays, oh boy, watch out because he will embarrass you, just ask the Redskins. I feel like once he is figured out he is very containable. Just ask the Packers. He never threw for more than 3,000 yards until last year, but also has ran for 1,000 yards in his career which is completely insane. Again though, really doesn't win the big games now that I think about it. But give credit when credit is due, he is DEADLY. Big play ability with every snap he takes.

#5 Philip Rivers - Another beast at the QB position. Only one problem, the 4 QB's ahead of him have Super Bowl rings. 4,000 yards and 30 TD's a year for the past 3 years are insane stats. Their special teams were horrific last year and he basically did this all without Vincent Jackson who is a willy mammoth out there, a complete beast. 20 TD's 5 straight years, looks like it is going to keep going. Will someone help this guy win a big game, anyone?

#4- Drew Brees - Guy single handedly reviatalized the city of New Orleans, period. Been in the league for 10 years and has had a good year basically every year. Seven straight years of 25 or more TD's but did throw 22 INT last year, which is a lot. Plus, they lost to the 7-9 Seahawks, SMH! I'm glad he got a Super Bowl ring as well, but I think that will be a one and done and they won't win anymore, no dynasty here folks. Drew is 32 years old now, and only going to be getting older. It remains to be seen how many really good 4,000 yard 25 TD years he has left, hopefully he doesn't begin his decline just yet.

#3 Aaron Rodgers - When Brady and Manning finally retire, A-Rod will be the best QB in the league, no questions asked. What he did for the Packers this year was remarkable. Over 15 players on IR and he put the team on his back dude, and literally threw their way to a Superbowl ring. Plus his mobility always kicks in when needed. He is a man's man, diving for the end zone and such. I'd love to see him slide more and not have a concussion or two a year, and that is something that he definitely doesn't need to start a trend of. Only 27 years old and he is already elite, which is crazy. 28 or more TD's 3 years straight and would have had 4,000 yards 3 years straight as well if he didn't miss one game last year. 304 yards and 3 TD's in the Super Bowl, the guy is money and there is no other way to put it. Also, his attitude, composure, and the way he deals with the Favre saga and media are perfect.

#2 Peyton Manning - Best regular season quaterback maybe of all time. I say that because he is 9-10 in playoff games, and up until that Super Bowl run, he was 3-6. Pretty bad in the playoffs only an 88.4 rating. He was a choke artist before he won the Super Bowl if you all remember. Oh Peyton can't win a big game all this and all that and Peyton won't ever get a ring. I'm glad he shut everyone up and got his ring. Regardless, he still is one of the best QB's of all time and should just walk to the Hall of Fame after he retires. Like walk straight in and live there. He is a pro's pro and I hope he breaks that diva Favre's record of games started. Peyton literally has not had a bad season in 12 years and even in 1998 threw for over 3,000 yards and 26 TD's (he had 28 INT's that is what made it bad.) Eleven 4,000+ yard seasons, and just overall a beast. He's been doing it for so long it is going to be really sad when it comes to and end. Without him the Colts would have been the worst team in the league 13 years running. Instead they have a ridiculous amount of 12 win seasons and even more 10 win seasons. He is a robot at QB, literally like a computer. He reads the defense, changes plays, and it works every time. I don't know how, plus the guy makes superstars out of anyone.

#1 Tom Brady - 3 Ring's that is all I have to say. To have a dynasty in this day and age is incredible. Tom Brady was a 6th round pick and look at what he turned himself into. Maybe the greatest QB ever. 261 TD's and only 103 INT's. That my fellow football friends is pure magic. He is the Derek Jeter of football, he went 10-0 in his first 10 playoff games with 3 Superbowls. LMFAO ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? I would have retired right then and there and packed my bags for Canton, Ohio. That is literally insane, the most unbelievable stat I've ever looked up or saw. 14-5 record in the playoffs and holds the record for most TD passes in a season. Led his team to a 16-0 season and his hair, also gorgeous. What more can Tom do, honestly? There is nothing. Win another Super Bowl? No thats cool he already has 3, win another MVP? God knows how many he has already. There's nothing more the man can do as a player. He is literally the greatest Quarterback of our day and age. I don't care if you hate the guy or love him, give him the respect he deserves as a football player.

That wraps it up folks. This took me a really long time to two weeks, I'd appreciate feedback and or any argument about anyone's place.


  1. gunna have to disagree with Andy Dalton... when have you ever seen a quarterback with red hair succeed?
