Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Cell Phone Walker

No that is not a typo, I'm not talking about the cell phone talker here, I am talking about the cell phone walker. This is a specific type of woman who walks by men with her cell phone up to her ear. Is she actually talking on it? Well maybe, although I never actually hear her speaking. Or is she just doing it because she knows guys are staring at her? I think it's option b, but I'll let you decide.

Basically, it goes like this. When a girl reaches a certain level of hotness she automatically has to be talking or pretending to talk on her cell phone when she passes a group of guys. Why? I actually have no idea, you need to ask these women the question. It's another one of those unwritten rules. Every time I see a hot girl walk by, there is always a cell phone held up to her ear. Watch, look out for this the next time you're out, it is always happening. 

What level of hotness must they reach in order to be on the cell phone? Usually it's around an eight and a half or better on our 1 to 10 scale. The characteristics these women have are all the same. They walk with a purpose, they're hot as shit, and they'll always be looking straight ahead. These women will never make eye contact with you or anyone else that you're with. They're walking by so you can look at them, not so they can look at you. 

If you think I'm crazy or that you've never seen this before, then you're just not opening your eyes. Hot women on their cell phone are a dime a dozen. They're everywhere. You just need to keep your eyes peeled for them, and you'll have no trouble finding them. Trust me on this one. It's a fact. 

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