Friday, August 5, 2011

Asshole Of The Day Award

This is using your head...

Ah yes, the good old I need more time to study for the test trick. I can probably think of like ten better ways to buy more time to study for a test right off the top of my head than this girl thought of. What exactly was her genius idea? To call the school and issue a fake bomb scare. That is what we can call brilliance at its finest. You couldn't think of anything better than that? Maybe the fake death of a family member, or a car accident of some sort. No, that would be too easy for the professor, he would know you were lying. So you decided to really take things up a few notches and go with the run of the mill bomb scare. Nicely done. You passed my Asshole test with flying colors so here is your t-shirt. If college is that much of a hassle for you then maybe you shouldn't be there. Actually, now that you're making bomb threats you won't be there. Looks like you made the right decision.

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