Thursday, August 4, 2011

Asshole Of The Day Award

Just when I thought I was going to have to wait until later...

If you happen to crash your jeep directly into a condo, causing damage to pretty much everything around you, what do you do next? Do you A) Sit and wait for the cops to arrive, B) Call someone for help, or C) Flee the scene, sprint to a porta potty and then cover yourself with all the shit inside the porta potty to attempt to throw off the police dogs? If you went with option C you would be correct. Police said, "It looks like alcohol was involved." No shit? I had no idea that you could take out a condo with your jeep and then seriously think to cover yourself in human shit to throw off police dogs without being completely hammered. I would think that happens sober. Anyway, guy, you are a jackass. Why wouldn't you just keep running? Obviously the cops are going to check the nearby porta potty for a moron like you. Especially after every neighbor watched you flee the scene and saw where you went. Here's your t-shirt poopsicle just make sure you wash yourself before you put it on. I don't want my shirts smelling like shit.

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