Thursday, July 14, 2011

I'm Giving You The Impression That You Run The Show, But You Don't...

Taking public transportation helps you notice many things. But my favorite part about taking public transportation is observing couples who decide to sit directly in front of me. Clearly, they have no idea who I am because if they did they wouldn't sit there. What I witnessed yesterday was the epitome of what happens to every guy out there who is whipped by his girl.

First of all, I wanted to punch this girl in the face. You could tell she wasn't stupid, but she acted stupid. There is nothing more annoying than that. Ladies, if you are one of these girls, please stop immediately. I started listening to their conversation when she asked, "So where is this place we're going right now?" The guy responded with, "Burger Burger." This is where the tide turned. He thought he had the plans made, but clearly she didn't want to go to that place, so she decided this is where she would slowly begin to change the plans.

Her following response was, "Oh, what do they have there?" At this point, I almost lost my mind. Hun, the name of the place is Burger Burger, what do you think they have there? When this guy said that they have burgers there, she recommended the Shake Shack. The Shake Shack is a great choice, but you're not the one making the plans babe. And guys, when you make the plans, you show some balls and stick to those plans. Don't let her dictate where you're going, you're the one taking her out and you're the one paying. Stick to your plans, because then this is what happens next.

This conniving broad then began throwing out other things. "Well, are you in the mood for Italian, maybe some Mexican, because we can go near this place and it'll be closer to where we have to go later." Being a moron, he said he could go for some Mexican. Then he tried to see if she would let him make the decision by telling her it was a little too hot out for Mexican. Guy, you've already lost this battle, give it up. What did they end up deciding on? Mexican. This guy got absolutely played like a fiddle, and it was so sad to watch.

Adding to the show was the fact that she was like 6'2 and he was about 5'7. She also had the most annoying, whiny voice on the planet. I wanted to stand up and tell the guy, "Listen, this woman is a bitch. You can probably do better and be way happier. The only thing good about her is that she's like a triple D, other than that, she sucks. Get out while you still can." There's your lesson fella's, if you're going to dictate the plans, you dictate the plans. Once the woman takes over, you're power is gone. Stand your ground, because if you don't, you might as well just throw on a dog collar for the rest of your relationship.

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