Friday, July 15, 2011

Contrare To Popular Belief, Christmas Is Not In July...

Yes, I already know the comments and emails I am going to receive from this post so let me just get them out of the way before you start hounding me and I write you back verbal abuse. "You're such a miserable bastard," or, "What do you know," or my favorite, "Who are you to judge me," are the three quotes that are said the most when people have the urge to email me.

This is in response to my facebook blowing up with this Christmas in July nonsense that went on at Djais last night. Do I like Djais? Sometimes, not every week. Have I been there? Obviously, if I already answered the first question. Why do I make fun of it? Because you people make it way too easy to make fun of. Like I literally need to lower my IQ to hang out there. Yes I know, you went to college so that makes you smart. Does it actually effect my every day life in any way that people think this is the greatest place on earth? Not one bit, but when you post your life on facebook you just give me ammo that keeps this website and blog going. So thank you for that.

Now, I have never seen so many people get so excited about going to a bar that they go to every week. The statuses that I saw throughout the entire week were ridiculous. Here are some examples. On Monday, "4 days till Christmas", then, "Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas", and "All I want for Christmas is you...DJAIS", are just some examples of how ridiculous people are. Yes I know, I have no idea what fun is because I can't get psyched up to go to Djais every Thursday night. And I don't go out of my way to broadcast to the world that it's Christmas in July there on a fucking Thursday night, I'm such a miserable prick, I know. But at least I don't put up twenty five mobile uploads while I'm out letting everyone know exactly what I'm doing every five minutes. Like a mobile upload I saw that was titled, "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year", you're shitting me right? I honestly think it's more fun for you people to check into places from your phone, post mobile uploads, and update your status than it is to actually enjoy being out. If that's the case, that's pathetic.

Oh, and for the 98% of you who are Catholic and have no idea when Christmas actually is, it's in December. You know, when they celebrate when Jesus was born. It's not when the owner of some guido infested bar stands on stage telling everyone to, "shake that butt". Sorry, if that upsets you in any way, but that's the truth. If you have any questions regarding this issue, please feel free to email me at I will be glad to help you out with any confusion on this matter. So no, Christmas is not in July. Sorry for basically being the guy telling you that there's no Santa Clause.

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