Friday, July 15, 2011

Asshole Of The Day Award

You need to click the link and watch the video since are a bunch of pricks and it isn't on youtube yet. But trust me, it's worth it.

I have no words for this guy. Like he walks out of the place and there is an open door literally right in front of him, but he decides to go to his left. To his left wasn't a door, it was a window, and he walks right through it. It's pretty ridiculous when you watch it. I'm just wondering, was he blind? If you're blind you have an excuse in this situation, if you're not blind, you're just a moron. I want to know the reaction of the person who walked out after this guy. Because I probably would have just laughed and kept walking. Either way, you made my morning. Here's your t-shirt, and next time just use the door that's already open.

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