Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Highlight Feature Of The Day: Categories Of Women

You all may be wondering exactly what I am talking about right now. However, for those of you who didn’t know, there are different categories that each woman on this earth falls into. These are the categories of how good looking a woman is. The categories go as follows:

Beautiful: This is the equivalent to getting the National Medal of Merit if you’re a woman. The best thing a guy can say about a girl is that she is beautiful. Beautiful means that guys don’t want to have sex with you, they want to make love to you. If you're beautiful, you are marriage material (for most guys who are also good looking and have proper eye sight).

Pretty: These are the girls that guys look to date and take home to mom. If you’re pretty, you usually have long relationships. The problem is that most pretty girls are clingy and might not have the greatest personality. Pretty girls beware, sometimes it doesn’t matter how pretty you are, a bad personality will always push guys away.

Hot: Hot is a word that gets thrown out a lot about women. Hot girls are the one’s that guys just want to sleep with and not actually date. Why? Because with most hot girls if they’re not slutty, they’re definitely flirty as shit. A hot girl will always get hit on, and she will always get as close as she can get to other guys without cheating. Hot girls make guys want to rip their hair out and that’s why when you meet a hot girl you should just simply hit it and quit it.

Okay: You hear guys use the word okay when talking about girls all the time. Like,“Ehh, that girl’s okay,” is a very commonly used phrase. This means that the girl lacks a quality that gives her sex appeal. Okay girls usually have the best personalities, but there’s just nothing about them that makes a guy want to have sex with them. This is basically the girl friend zone category.

No Chance: There is always the No Chance category. These are the girls that have no chance of having sex any time in the near future. Harpoons, trolls, STD infested and I would need to die of alcohol poisoning also run under this category. These women normally have good personality’s as well, because they need to; and they can be cool just to talk to. Other than that, these girls are just an awful sight to look at and you always want to move away from them ASAP.

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