Thursday, May 5, 2011

Asshole Of The Day Award

Today we have our first ever Asshole of the Day Award in video. This is a ground breaking event for this blog page. Check out this giant asshole...

I'm going to give this guy an overall grade of an F. Come on guy, how do you allow yourself to roll basically an entire mile back down the mountain? Be an athlete bro, stop yourself with some form of athletic move. Secondly, what are we doing chasing the snowmobile? That thing is fucked up, just let it go man. What are you going to do with it once you get it? Repair it on the mountain using nothing but duct tape and a paper clip? Should've just cut your losses, went back to the real world, started saving up for another snowmobile, and in like five years came back and gave it another try. You should definitely take some time off anyway though since this mountain absolutely owned you. Better luck next time asshole.

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