Friday, April 1, 2011

Enough With Snooki

I'm sick of this fucking creature...

Is Rutgers kidding me? They're paying Snooki 32,000 dollars to go and give kids advice on tanning and fist pumping. What the fuck is this world coming to? She's getting more money than a guy who won a Nobel Prize and is speaking at their graduation. That's not made up, read the fucking article if you don't believe me. But what the fuck? It's Snooki, she's borderline retarded and people only know who she is because she makes a fool out of herself on MTV. Yet these are the people who are making so much money. Guidos who don't go to college, sound like assholes when they talk, and live in tanning beds. These are the people that are rich. If this story was in the Bible, we would all be struck by lightning for allowing shit like this to happen.

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