Thursday, March 17, 2011

Talk About a Plan Backfiring

Must suck to be this guy...

I guess while he was drunk, the thought of coming out of the moon roof of his buddy's truck seemed like a great idea. I'm also guessing that after he fell off the car and got run over by his buddy, he immediately regretted that decision. The cops said, "It appears alcohol played a part in the accident." Well no shit, I would have never guessed that a drunk guy climbed out of his friend's moon roof and then fell off the car. I would think that you would need to be completely sober to do that. It cracks me up when I read these stories and cops become captain obvious.

Sidenote: What are the chances the guy driving hit the breaks purposely so his friend would fall off the roof of the car? Very good, because I would probably do the same thing if one of my asshole friends decided to climb onto the roof of my car while I was driving.

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