Friday, March 4, 2011

Girls and Their Facebook Statuses

Why is it that pretty much every time I look on facebook I see a girl’s status complaining about something? I mean don’t you have real friends you can complain to, not just the facebook world? If I told you no one actually gives a shit, would you stop? Probably not, which is why I’m here to rip you a new one.

To begin, no one actually gives a flying fuck about how long your daily schedule is. I never understood the purpose of letting everyone know where you will be for all 24 hours of the day. All you’re really doing is pissing people off and either causing them to unfriend you, or hide you completely from their news feed.

The next type of status that makes everyone want to punch you in the face would be complaining about guys. The reason every guy thinks you’re a psycho is probably because you post statuses bashing every guy you fucked for a two week time span. This is a problem that could be solved by talking to your real friends in private. Or by not being a slut. Although, if you complain on facebook those real friends are probably hard to come by.

Finally, we have the bad day status. “Worst day ever (sad face) could really use some ice cream and a movie,” or something along those lines. Once again, can you find a real friend to complain to about this shit? No one gives a fuck about your bad day. Everyone has bad days. It’s part of life, deal with it; and I don’t mean deal with it by how many likes you get on your fucking status.

There are also the statuses about their favorite sports team that they barely watch, but that is actually for a whole different post. For those females that complain on facebook, get some friends. Not only for you, but for all the people you piss off on a daily basis.


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