Thursday, June 30, 2011

Asshole Of The Day Award

It's up late, but this is a great one...

Yes it is summer indeed! That time of year when every jackass on the face of the earth thinks that it's an awesome idea to dive off the roof of their house and into their pool. And that is exactly what this moron decided to do. He dove, he hit the pavement, and he is now in the hospital with a serious head injury. I mean in your case guy, you're 31 years old. I think it's safe to say that you're just a bit immature for your age. Shouldn't you be worrying about something other than diving off the roof of your house and into a pool? I don't know, maybe that's just me. Hey, look at it this way; if you wake up from your coma at least you'll have a new t-shirt. Yeah, probably too soon for that one but it's still well deserved.

Rico Bosco's Bets of the Day

Yesterday 0 Units

3 Units Texas vs. Houston over 8

2 Units Cardinals

Thursday is Amateur Night

I will never in a million years understand or even know how people go out on a Thursday night. It's not apart of the weekend. There are no songs, or slogans dedicated to Thursday. Saturday is the night of nights, Elton John made a classic just about Saturday. Friday has the whole TGIF thing going for it. Thursday sorry but your just another day of the week.

Now to what I do best, make fun of people. If you go out on a Thursday night, how do you afford it. Some of you might be scratching your head, asking what I am talking about. You go out every Thursday night, how the hell do you wake up for work Friday night? Oh wait, you don't have a job! Either that or you have some bullshit job that allows you to wake up at like 11 and be at the mall for 1 ready to do nothing. That's not a job. So if your not working Friday, what job do you have that you work 4 days a week? To boot, those who go out Thursday night, also go out Sunday night. So the same applies to Mondays. Now you don't work Monday or Friday, but you claim your "ballin". Yea listen here, your a fucking amateur, a scrub, a wanna-be, a little boy. Your spending ever cent you made at your scrub job or even better your parents money.

Reality check, if you ever plan on having a real job going to work during the week hungover is probable the second quickest way after fucking the bosses wife to get fired. Now people say I am missing out because I go out like a NORMAL person on Friday and Saturday nights. Yea I am really missing out let me tell you. Nothing spells, ah shucks! like not being around a bunch of goons in a crammed bar. Haha yes I am talking about Djais.

Now, when next Thursday rolls around, I'll be hanging out home or at a friends house or maybe just being a good son and hanging with some family. You'll be out, being the 13th guy Gina, Maria, Christina, and/or Gianna has hooked up with, that night. And when Friday night and Saturday rolls around, I'll be having a blast on my own money, from my real job with my real friends and you'll just be another AMATEUR. Later!

Guys That Pick Their Shirts Up at the Gym

Now I just got back from the gym. Did my thing and got the hell out. That's is the relationship me and Gym have. I go their, get the tough guy stare from some clowns, do my thing and get the fuck out. Notice how I never mentioned, stare in the mirror or pick my shirt up and then stare in the mirror. Congrats bro, you have a 6 pack. Now go the fuck home and look for a job because its a Thursday afternoon and your 28.

The mirror stare isn't even subtle anymore. It's more of a "Everyone come see how good I look" maneuver. Hate to break it to you buddy, there are like 7 girls who go to Dolphin Fitness on Amboy Road, 5 are 40+, 1 looks like a troll and 1 is kinda cute. Yea the cute one wasn't there (relax girls who go to this gym, its an obvious exaggeration). So tell me Lorenzo Antonio Copoletti Jr. (not a real name but then again, nothing surprises me anymore), your picking up your shirt at a gym full of guys. Congrats, bro you can now get married in the State of New York.

Are you kidding me. This is the same kid who goes to a club that plays music that sounds like a collection of heartbeats and dances alone with his shirt off and pants low enough to make everyone kind of feel uncomfortable. Yea you know EXACTLY what I am talking about!! Oh yea, he either has his hair resembling Pauly D (yea buddy, that hair style was in style when I was a sophomore in high school, that would be roughly 6 years ago) or has a design shaved in his head.

But hey congrats buddy, you just saw your own abs and no body really cares. Also, congrats on your astonishing lack of self confidence and insecurities. Let me guess, when you go home your are going to sit on Facebook and friend a bunch of girls with Nicole, Marie, or Ann as their last name, with pictures where you can barely see there face or its in black and white and they kind of look good or they are doing the kissy face with an inch of lip gloss on and wait for them to accept your request and than inbox then or IM them. When I grow up, I want to be just like you!

When A Date Is Going Shitty...

Everyone read my post a little while back about what to do on your first date. However, this one is going to be about what to do when a date is going down hill. We've all been there, when you go into it with such high hopes and it just turns into complete shit. Or even better, when you just know the night isn't going well right from the get go. Like the time I bit the bullet for a good friend of mine and went on a double date with him. When he slid into the booth to the second table, he took the table cloth from the first table with him. Right there was where we should have just went home.

Now, men and women have very different thoughts in their head when going on a date. We all know what those different thoughts are. The men are thinking, "Am I going to nail this chick tonight?" And the women are thinking, "Is this going to be my husband?" Ladies, shut up, you know you do that shit. Regardless, what does each person do when they realize that this date is a fucking abortion?

For women, it's usually a standard procedure. Most of them do this when they know that the date is shit. She'll always take out her cell phone to either A) check the time, or B) text their friend to tell them how shitty the date is going and ask for the quickest way to get out of the whole ordeal. Once she takes out her cell phone, it's like the universal sign that this is the last time you will be going out with this girl in a public setting ever again. Come on, when a girl is interested in a guy while they're on a date she never takes her cell phone out. We all know that. Final sign, before the waiter or waitress even comes out, she'll tell the guy that she doesn't want dessert. This means, "I really just want to get the fuck out of here." It's just procedure, it's nothing special.

Men are a little bit different, they could go one of two ways. The first one is once you realize that this date is as interesting as watching paint dry you can just order an onslaught of cocktails to get you hammered. This is you basically saying, "I would rather wake up in a dumpster with shit all over me and have no idea how I get there, than wake up next to your ass." Or you could use this other method. Guys, this is fucked up, I've used it before and it's fucked up.

You send a very discrete text message to one of your friends that says, "Call me in 4 minutes." Four minutes is perfect timing, because it's not 5 minutes, but it's not 45 seconds either. When they call you, you answer the phone with a calm hello, and then turn frantic. Something like, "What? What happened? You, you need me to come home? Is everything okay? Fuck, um, hold on, shit, I'm on a fucking date and, but fuck no I have to come." Something along those lines works every time. Just apologize semi sincere even though we know it's all bullshit, pay the bill, and leave like you have an emergency to attend to. It's fucked up, but you're never going to see this girl again, so why should you care? It's all about the story.

What Is Going On At Citi Field?

Are these the New York Mets that I've been seeing lately? 52 runs in four games and 69 hits? What is going on? To tell you the truth, I cannot actually answer that question. I mean let's be serious with this, Ronny Paulino was batting in the clean up spot last night and had four hits. Scott Hairston tripled with the bases loaded and Dan Murphy drove in four runs. These are not big name guys. But really, who cares?

Their lineup is makeshift at best and they have been scoring runs almost like that team from the Bronx. I don't know what's going on, but at least they're fun to watch these days. Oh, and they're two games over .500. Who would have predicted that at this point in the season? In all honesty, I think it's this Terry Collins guy. He is taking a team with a mediocre lineup at best and somehow making them play hard every day. He is getting the best out of his players, and that is why they have this new persona this year. I'm not saying that the Mets will keep this up, but there might be a chance with Collins at the helm. One more game in Detroit and it's back home for the Subway Series. Let's see what happens.

Sidenote: Now that I mentioned this they'll most likely lose the next like eight in a row and score a total of 4 runs in those 8 games, but hey, at least I tried to give them some props for once.

Pre Game Song Of The Weekend

This is different, but kind of catchy. I happen to like this song a little bit. It throws in the beat of one of the greatest club songs of my generation, "Show Me Love" with "Daylight Come, Me No Wanna Go Home." If this doesn't remind you of just being hammered at a bar or club with women all over you than you don't have a pulse man. This shit is the real deal. Take it with you into this lovely 4th of July Holiday.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

People Who Say They Love College

Get it straight, no matter how you break it down college is still school and nobody and I mean no body enjoys school. Are you kidding me?!?! If someone comes up to you and says "How's college?" and you respond "I love it", you need a CAT Scan. So you're telling me, you enjoy sitting through 1 or 2 or 3 hour classes with a boring professor rambling about stuff you mostly will never use in your future. Yea!!! That's about as fun as jerking off with sandpaper.

Yes, there are aspect of college LIFE, that are enjoyable. Well that's if you went away to school, and by away I don't mean you live on Staten Island and dormed at Wagner College. That's called a waste of ten grand a year and you bet your ass if I was your parent you better say you love it. College life is enjoyable, you're on your own, living in a strange place, no parents to answer to and kind of just doing your own thing. Yes, that's pretty damn cool. But for the majority of the week (well not all of you, some of you had a bullshit major and dragged your feet and took 12 credits a semester) your in a classroom. That's not fun.

Next time someone asks you, "How's school?", answer with this. "I am potentially failing out, but minus the education part, I am getting belligerent drunk 5 days a week, potentially have an STD, and I put on 20 pounds."

Girls Who Say They Are Smart

Ever notice no matter how dumb a girl is, she will always say "..but I'm really smart." I have personally witnessed the dumbest person in the world claim she is smart. I would give examples of this girls outright stupidity but it would easily give away who I am talking about and start a shit-storm with a very immature person, that I just don't have the patience and strength for. Put it this way, people (including myself) have been tempted to tag her as a wall in a picture with someone else talking to that wall.

I have no idea why girls say they are smart when they really are not. Some people are just dumb, it keeps the world going. That's just the way it is. If you're dumb, you're dumb. That's just the way it is, if your a cool person you will be liked no matter what. Dumb people are pretty cool to keep around, they tend to lighten up situations. Their lack of intelligence usually sparks a good laughing session.

The most irritating thing is people (and mostly chicks do this) who act dumb. I can't tell you how sick that makes me. Being smart, is a privilege and a gift. Why are you acting dumb? Girls, it is not cute its actually kind of a turn off. Guys, if your acting dumb you better do some soul searching and look deep inside because you feen attention and that's pretty fucking sad.

Just be you, don't say your are something your not or act differently for attention. As for the girl I am talking about in the first paragraph, I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul.

Asshole Of The Day Award

Clearly this is a man with way too much time on his hands...

Well now we can all sleep better at night knowing that the guy who's been drawing mustaches on billboards in NYC subways has been caught. He was known as the Mustache Man and he has been charged with felony criminal mischief for causing $1,500 worth of damage to Subway billboards/pictures I don't really know what you would call them. Anyway, you're like 26 years old bro, don't you think you're a little old to be running around the streets of New York with a permanent marker drawing mustaches on shit? That's like what 12 and 13 year old kids do because they think it's funny. Not grown ass men who still think they're in the eighth grade. Nice job guy, here's your t-shirt, and do yourself a favor and find another hobby.

Quote Of The Day

"Tommy the Mic likes his women like he likes his steak, dark, pink inside, with a little bit of fat on it"-Vince of Reason

Vince Of Reason's Triple D's To Looking Good

Listen Ladies we are all sick and tired of hearing you complain about how fat you are. Nobody feels sorry for you because plain and simple you’re lazy. Whether you're completely obese, or have that beer belly, there is no excuse for it. As you get older you need to exercise because your metabolism slows down. There is no magic pill that will make you look good and don’t trying starving yourself either because that “water weight” of 10 pounds you lose you will gain back quicker than Michael J Fox sets off a motion detector. I am not a doctor or a nutritionist but what I have come up with is the proper way to look good. I call it the TRIPLE D. Desire, Dedication, and of course A DIET. So If you want change GO FOR IT!
Desire – Whether you’re a fat mess or just want to trim a little fat off, preparing yourself mentally is huge, this means you have to have it in your head that you need a change. You’re not happy with yourself, you want to lose weight, and that’s going to mean changing your life style around. Motivation is huge because you will never get yourself to the gym or never get anything accomplished if you have no desire. If you’re not motivated the next two steps are pointless
Dedication - Plain and simple you need to work out at least 5 days a week. Yes, you need to get a gym membership or attend some kind of work out class(i.e. kickboxing, yoga, spin). And do yourself a favor, do not join Planet Fitness, Yes, I know it’s cheap and it’s a girls gym, but c’mon what kind of gym serves pizza, soda, and candy? All you need is an ice cream cake and you might as well go to chucky cheese next door. You’ll “be going to the gym” but not really getting anything accomplished, except sitting in the massage chair eating a bag of tootsie rolls. So do yourself a favor spend the extra money and join a real gym or fitness class where you will actually burn calories.
Diet- Yes, you’re eating habits need to change. In order to look good you need to start eating good. Especially in the beginning, having a strict diet is huge. Once you get to where you want to be, which is probably a long ways away for some of you, you can cheat a little bit. Oh yes and that includes Alcohol. Sorry ladies, you will have to give up drinking every night because 7 days a week drinking basically kills swag. Alcohol is loaded with sugar and carbs, which obviously isn’t good for you and you will never make it to the gym the next day with a hangover. My advice, drink once a week maybe 2 if you're feening that much, and take it easy the other 5 nights. Poland Spring should be your new best friend and kick Jack and José to the curb. NO beer either and no more late night trips to the Diner and McDonalds drive thru. Stop it, that greasy shit sitting in your belly at 2 in the morning is half the reason why your blubber is there.
Aright Ladies there you have it The Triple D. Easy to remember, but only as easy as you make it to be. You want change go for it because it works, believe me and Good Luck.

Creepy Dudes On Facebook, Please Stop

This is an issue that no one seems to really think much about. Well, they probably think about it, but it is never spoken about. The issue I am referring to would be creepy guys who comment on and like girl’s pictures and statuses and say creepy shit all through facebook. If you’re one of these guys, this is pathetic and needs to stop. Here are some examples for those who are still a bit confused.

First of all, when a girl changes her relationship status from “in a relationship” to “single” there will always be at least fifteen creepy ass dudes who like the status, then follow their like by writing on this girl’s wall. Listen, if her self-esteem is that low that you think she wants to hang out with you after seeing that, then that’s on her. Even a text message would do you better than any creepy movement on facebook. Get a clue and try something different please.

Next, when a girl posts a mobile upload of herself, the creepy guys will always like the photo, and follow that up with a comment like, “dam girl you’re looking so good right there lol when we hangin?” Please, enough with that shit! Do you honestly think that gets you any pussy whatsoever? You’re playing right into this girl’s strategy of posting pictures of herself so every loser guy can tell her how good she looks. She doesn’t actually give a fuck about you; she just wants your attention. You have no chance bud, find a hobby.

Lastly, facebook chatting girls that you have never seen in person is just a fucking dumb idea. If you know them, then it’s all well and good, if you do not, you’re a creep; it’s plain and simple. Find a hobby, or a job, or something that takes all this facebook creeping time off your hands. Please, for all of us. Good thing I’m not friends with most of you assholes because I would have you all as candidates for my defriend of the week until I’m able to collect social security. 

A Thanks To The Fans

Fans, without all of you none of this would be possible. So we just want to say thank you for all the support and keep on spreading the word. Special shout out to my man Chris Paul who is an avid follower of this. We love you buddy, thanks a lot.

Also, stay tuned in the upcoming weeks for some Fireside Chats Season 2 Previews. I'll let you know more about it as it gets closer, but there is going to be a second season of 12 episodes so don't think we forgot about those either.

And one last thing, don't apologize for sending suggestions. We want you so send us suggestions, as long as we haven't done them before and they're a good topic. So send away with shit. Email or any of the other emails listed on the site, with suggestions.

Thanks again, and keep spreading the word.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Hell Has Froze Over

Ladies and gentlemen get a good look at this one because you won't see this again until probably September. This was live by the way, I was expecting him to roll over to short stop like he normally does but instead I'm guessing the ball just happened to find the sweet spot of his bat. I'm sure it wasn't anything he did. Anyway, this is hell freezing over. The Mets have scored 9 runs and Jason Bay hit a grand slam. Yeah, they still suck. 

This Is Exactly Why I Hate Jose Reyes

Do you see those numbers? He's now up to 115 hits, a .344 average and 40 multi hit games if you add what he's done in the first two innings tonight. So what's to hate? Where has this been since 2007? The guy gets hurt every year and suddenly it's his contract year and he's completely healthy having an MVP season. That is the exact reason why I can't stand this guy. He's going to have a career year, leave the Mets to go get his money, and then go back to the same guy who continually gets hurt. If he can do this for the next five years I'll give him his props, but until then he has just given me a laundry list of reasons to hate him.

The Shit You See On The Streets Of Manhattan

So I'm on my way home from bartending school and what do I see? These dudes just having their own dance party right in front of the Staten Island Ferry. You have to kind of love this kind of shit about Manhattan, you see something new every day. People will do almost anything for money. Anything.

Rico Bosco's Bets Of The Day

Yesterday -4 Units

Today's Picks

2 Units Giants

3 Units Kansas City vs San Diego Over 7

1 Unit Reverse Oakland and Florida Over 7

Quote Of The Day

"Relationships these days are like football games, they're only good when the weather's bad"-Vince Of Reason

New York City Radio Stations Should Be Convicted Of Murder

The radio stations throughout New York City always, ALWAYS manage to destroy every good song that comes on the radio. And it's not even like I can say that it's only one or two of them that do this, it's all of them. Every time there is a new song out that everyone loves, they fucking rape it, murder it, beat it with a stick, piss on it and (add your saying here). It is unbelievable, so I am going to give you a short list of songs that have been brutally murdered by the radio stations throughout NYC.

1. All Of The Lights- What was once a song that made me want to chug beers and spend all my money, has now turned into a song that makes me want to stab myself in the eyes repeatedly with a sharp object. Yes, it was a great song when it first came out; but when it is playing on every radio station simultaneously every fifteen minutes, the phrase "All of the lights" causes nausea and headache.

2. On The Floor- Another one that was once a favorite of mine and is now buried six feet under. This song made me want to grind up on women all night and get shitfaced; now it just makes me want to drive off a cliff.

3. Give Me Everything Tonight- This one reminded me so much of my college senior week and now it reminds me so much of putting my head through my car windshield. You should not hear the same song three times in a ten minute car ride. It just shouldn't be allowed to happen.

Once again, that is a very short list of songs that have been killed by radio stations throughout New York City. For all you radio stations who claim to be New York's "New" Hit Music Station, you suck. And all the other one's who claim to play all the "hits", after two hours of the same song it is no longer a hit. The only hit these songs are now involved in are car accidents from causing people to go insane. How about you radio jockey's grow some balls and tell these people, "Listen, I don't care if you're requesting it again, it was just on and you'll like the song for much longer if you don't hear it every three and a half minutes." Then all you need to do is hang up instead of being responsible for the death of music.

Asshole Of The Day Award (On Video)

Alright I can't actually post the video here because myfox Boston and are being pricks. However, I encourage you to click this link and watch this video, it won't disappoint...

Bravo kid, Bravo! Get a load of this kid right here. He probably thought to himself, "I am going to look like such a bad ass sliding down this escalator railing right now." Yeah, you looked so incredibly bad ass bro. Falling twenty feet off the side and almost dying makes you the fucking man. Like your mother wasn't lying to you when you were seven years old and you thought that this was a good idea, why would it be a good idea at 16 or 17? I don't know, I'm not a doctor. But you know what? You're alive and can at least look back and laugh at it now, even if your arm is in a sling. Pain heals, chicks dig scars and glory lasts forever I guess. Well, there's no glory in this but at least you get a t-shirt.

How Much Alcohol Would It Take Tuesday's

This one's got a lot of personality, and that's about it...


We all know her from SNL and being funny as shit, Rachel Dratch has definitely made us all laugh quite a few times in our day. However, that's really all she's good for because we know she isn't famous because of her looks. I'm sure she's a sweet lady but those eyes popping out of her head just bug me out. So on to the question of how much alcohol it would take for me to get with this chick? You would probably have to inject me with a thirty pack of Long Island Iced Tea's. Then let me chug a water cooler filled with Cosmopolitans and I would be good to go. With that mixture I would be down for whatever with this chick all night.

Monday, June 27, 2011

How Long Can One Man Grow His Hair?

Today we dare to ask the question: How long can Johnny Baseball grow his hair? We do not know the answer, but we shall see how long he can grow his hair before he actually loses his mind. Comment 1 for keep it going or 2 for cut that thing off your head. We will keep you updated on this situation every three weeks...

Johnny Before with the Jordan tongue

Johnny After with half a Jonah Hill Fro

Rico Bosco's Bets Of The Day

1 Unit Twins Dodgers Under 8

2 Units- Diamonbacks and Rockies

Stay tuned daily for more from Rico Bosco


Relax now, I am not going to talk about the DNR you think. And for you slow ones, DNR normally stands for Do Not Resuscitate. Today I am going to talk about another DNR, this one stands for Do Not Respect.

A lot of people, especially girls, complain about how people treat them. Most of them do not have a clue as to why they get stepped on and treated like shit. Here is why. Mostly by your actions, the things you do in public settings. That's it. By doing these antics, you basically should have a tattoo on your forehead with the letters DNR. Here are some antics (love that word) for both men and women that get you the lack of respect.

- Using the word "bro" every third word
- Starting sentences with "Honestly, like "
- Being flashy with your money
- Being a belligerent drunk
- Looking prettier than most girls
- Abundance of tattoos that don't make sense and constantly taking off your shirt to show them off

- Hooking up with the entire bar
- Getting belligerently drunk
- No urge to better yourself and be someone
- Dressing like you suck dick for money
- Posting pictures of yourself in a bikini (obviously you're doing it because you want guys to stare and droll)
- Excessive cursing (also a huge turnoff)

These are just examples, doing these things are probably why you get shit on more than the guy who tends to the bird cages at a zoo.

Bar Review Monday

What's up everyone? This weekend was pretty low key for me. Attended a graduation party Saturday, congratulations to my friend Vinny on his graduation from St. John's University. Anyone who needs a good CPA in the next few years, he is your guy. Attended another graduation party for my cousin Angela. Congrats to you as well on graduation from FIT. As for Friday, I jumped on the Staten Island Ferry with some hoodlums for a night out in Manhattan (I will always refer to Manhattan by name and not "The City". The city is all five boroughs not just one.)

This weeks bar review will be of Thunder Jacksons (TJ for short). Located on the corner of Bleeker and Sullivan Streets in the Washington Square area, this bar is pretty decent. For Manhattan, the prices are astronomical. Cute bartenders and a decent well mixed crowd. Pretty decent music too. As for some of you, it's not that strict if you know what I mean. Friday night they had a special, $4 bottles of bud light and $5 for Tommy the Mics drink of choice, Jaeger. Smart move by the TJ's staff, putting a cute little lady away from the bar serving just these two items.

I give Thunder Jacksons an overall grade of a 7.5 out of 10. It's more of that local spot, that go to place. Prices are good and the crowd is good. Laid back type of joint. The only negative is it was a little too crowded, but I won't be too picky. Check it out people, good times.

Charlie Sheen Single Again

I can't really defend the guy anymore so I think we can all say that we saw this one coming. However, everyone is stating that Charlie Sheen is no longer winning because he is now single. Excuse me? He is winning big time now that he's single. He's Charlie Sheen, he has loads of money, women everywhere will be all over this guy now that he's newly single. In the social stock market his stock is soaring at the moment. After this weekend though he'll be back down low, but that's just the way it works. Everyone should be on the lookout for Charlie this week and weekend as he will most likely be ripping shots and blowing lines at a bar near you. He's definitely winning.

Asshole Of The Day Award

Suspect was under the influence of some drug or hallucinogenic...I had no fucking clue


Well if you have nothing to do why not just take some acid and drive a car? I don't actually know if it was acid, but chances are that it was something along those lines. So, this guy hits a woman and then crashes his car into a boulder. But wait, there's more. Next, he runs out of the car onto the hood of another car, headbutts the windshield and then strips naked. When police found him they obviously did what any cop would do in their situation, they tasered this moron. Just another day in the life when you're living in Portland, Oregon. Taking some drugs and causing havoc on the streets? Here's your t-shirt big guy.

Talk Of The Town Summertime Bucket List

We have until Labor Day Weekend to finish these feats. For every feat accomplished, we will have video footage and possibly interviews. Here is what the list of 25 feats consists of...

1. Get Quite Frank-ly to Djais
2. Pick Up a MILF
3. Win enough gambling to get a room comped in AC
4. Heckle a comedian
5. Find the cash cab (even though it doesn't actually exist anymore)
6. Go out in the city wearing suits
7. Buy Rex Ryan a drink (for Jet fans)
8. Spit in Rex Ryan's drink (for non Jet fans)
9. Go to a club with a professional athlete
10. Heckle a Little League umpire and get kicked off the premises
11. Throw the greatest house party ever
12. Hook up with a woman who doesn't speak english
13. Crash a wedding
14. Crash a yoga class, and get a girls number
15. Eat all the free samples at Costco twice
16. Harpoon a tremendous fat chick
17. Go streaking
18. Find a Snooki look alike
19. Hook up with sister's
20. Dress up as a character at the final Harry Potter premier
21. Get a bartender's number
22. Hook up with a hot Asian chick
23. Party Boy in Green Man outfits in a public forum
24. Watch Quite Frank-ly run the Brooklyn Bridge while wearing something ridiculous (although just watching him try and run it will be funny enough)
25. Make out with a lesbian

ManCave Series

Today we introduce to you our ManCave series as we will bring you the highlights live from building Steve the Hammer's ManCave/Website Headquarters. This is a test run, if you guys like these videos, let me know and I'll post more videos, if not, then I won't. Just give some feedback. Love you guys. And just a sidenote, there is not actually a glory hole in the bathroom as stated in the second video. That has been spackled.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Quote Of The Weekend

"Cougars are like Derek Jeter, out of their prime and looking for those last 6 hits"-Quite Frank-ly

Saturday, June 25, 2011

More On Gay Marriage

More on gay marriage being legalized. It's my opinion and I really do not care what other people think. This might come as a shock to most of you but if you're gay and want to get married, enjoy. You want to be happy go ahead. I've never had a problem with gay people. Gay guys, as long as you don't make me feel uncomfortable you're okay in my book. Just don't talk about your experiences and all that. As for lesbians, I think we all know I'm a huge supporter.

Think of it this way. The divorce rate in the country is what 50%, something in that ballpark. It's not like marriage is not already a joke. We have TV shows, like the Bachelor and all that bullshit. There are the Mormons, who can marry every women they feel necessary. Big deal with the gay people getting married.

Personally, when I buy my own place I want there to be a gay couple living on the block. They are the best to have living a few houses away. As soon as something happens, they will be on the phone calling 311 and getting it taken care of. They will keep their property nice and definitely be the nice house on the block and who else is better to have for decorating tips than a gay couple.

The United States is a funny place. Everyone talks about freedom of religion and all this nonsense but when it comes to certain topics like gay marriage people refer to the Bible and other religious texts. Buddy, you can't do that. The United States is a religious free state, not everyone is Christian, how are you going to quote the Bible on something like this?

Knock your self out gay people. Just do me a favor, don't make a mockery of marriage. Have your wedding in a classy way and not something ridiculous. Be happy, life is short. If it makes you happy, knock yourself out.

Asshole Of The Day Award Special

I normally only do this Monday through Friday, but this is an exception...

What makes this kid so special that he gets an Asshole of the Day Award on a Saturday? Probably because of the fact that you have to be a fucking idiot to do what he did. This kid runs into a classroom during a chemistry final, ass naked, wearing a mask and yells, "Grad 2011", then sprints out of the classroom. If this was supposed to be a senior prank it was the worst senior prank of all time. What makes it even worse is that he was caught and charged. That's a great way to get expelled right before your graduation. I guess these crazy Canadian's love this t-shirt, that's my only explanation for their stupidity. Canada leads the Asshole of the Day Award race by a landslide, and it's people like this kid that are the reason why.

Sidenote: If you read the article check out the quote and tell me how dumb this girl sounds with the unnecessary placement of the word "like".

Gay Marriage In New York, Everyone Relax...

Obviously everyone has heard that New York pretty much just approved same sex marriage. I have no idea why everyone is so pissed off about this though. Like if you're SO happy that it's been approved and you haven't voted on anything in your life, why are you making it like you're the most righteous person in the world for supporting it? Also, if you think it's wrong, how does that law affect your every day life in any way whatsoever? Exactly, it doesn't, so who gives a flying fuck? Just hear me out on this one and maybe you'll understand why I could really care less if they let gays get married or not.

Okay, so I understand that the institution of marriage is supposed to be strictly between a man and a woman. Says the Catholic church that most of us "catholics" including myself, haven't stepped foot in, in years . But let's get real, if gays want to be allowed to get married, then let them. Who gives a fuck? They don't know that marriage is nothing but pain and suffering, so why not let them figure it out on their own? If they want equal marriage rights then good, let them pay taxes and do shit like every straight married couple. Let them figure it out on their own when they realize, "Fuck, I only own half of this apartment," or "Shit, I have to share money with my spouse." Let them suffer just like every other married couple, straight or gay.

Trust me, soon they'll understand that things aren't peachy all the fucking time. They will be just like every straight married couple, hating each other after five years and regretting getting married. Treat them like a straight couple and let them learn on their own. It won't be everything they hoped it would be, it never is. Oh they want to adopt kids too? Awesome, because they don't realize kids are an expense and they'll be paying out the ass for them. The grass isn't always greener, so let them figure it out by themselves. If you're straight, this law effects your life as much as a tweet from Kim Kardashian stating that she is in New York. It has no effect whatsoever, so stop complaining, or stop boasting because you think you had something to do with getting the law passed. Give it some time, the gay marriage divorce rate will be through the roof. And even if it isn't, do you really care that much?

Friday, June 24, 2011

Yes Ladies, You Look This Ridiculous

What exactly is this? This is one of our writer's posing and showing the label of Gold Bond Medicated Foot Powder. How ridiculous does this look? Extremely ridiculous. What is my point? For most of you females who enjoy posing with your beer labels sticking out every which way, this is what you look like. See, what we did was take something that one of our writer's uses routinely (yes ladies, most of you label showers drink routinely if you have any arguments you know where to email me) and we had him take a picture advertising the label. This is what you girls look like when you show your fucking beer bottle in every goddamn picture on facebook. "But I'm done up, and I'm out so I look better." Shut the fuck up if you're going to respond with that. You look ridiculous, and I know I'm reiterating an earlier post, but this picture if proving our point. Put the fucking beer labels away, people care as much about the fact that you drink Bud Light, as they care about the fact that our friend here uses Gold Bond. Enough is enough, for arguments please email I would love to hear what you have to say.

Asshole Of The Day Award

Kids these days, they are just so stupid. Some asshole carrying weed thought he was just going to have a good time while taking a joyride out of his buddies sunroof. Little did he know that they were being followed by a police car. When the police turned the sirens on, he throws the bag of weed away. Now, if the police car is behind you, what direction should you throw the bag of weed in? Is it A) to your left, B) to your right, C) directly behind you so you can make sure you hit the police car with your illegal narcotics, or D) anywhere but C? If you chose A, B, or D, you are correct. Unfortunately for this moron, he chose choice C, and the bag of weed landed on the hood of the police car. Long story short, he gets charged with possession of marijuana. Ladies and gentlemen this is brilliance at its finest. You earned this t-shirt big guy, you put in some hard working stupidity for this one, have a lovely day.

Hackers of Facebook Pages

By Quite Frank-ly

This week alone, I have seen at least a dozen statuses on some poor persons page obviously written by someone else. It's mostly guys, which shows the amount of maturity that most 20 something year old guys have. Atta boy, keep up the good work. Here is some food for thought. Not only is writing a status about how much an obvious straight male loves cock in and around his mouth straight up annoying, but also pretty fucked up.

Here's why. Most of us now have our parents, relatives, fuck some even have grandparents (God bless, teaching my grandpa to use a cell phone was like teaching primitive man to use the first hand tools) as their Facebook friends. I am one of those. If someone wrote a status like that on my page and members of my family saw it, you better be able to run faster than me (if you can't, get in the gym bro, you're out of shape).

What are you trying to prove exactly? I have absolutely no problem playing a little joke here and there on people. But come on, you're better than that. If you get hold of a guys Facebook, do something semi-original. I myself have been known to get on a friends Facebook and poke or inbox a plethora of fat chicks. That's all good fun, nobody sees it. It's between you, your friend, and the rhino. Look at it this way, fat girls give the best head.

How Young Can You Go?

Whenever guys see a girl who is smoking hot, yet happens to be a little bit younger, everyone always asks the question how young can you go? Obviously when you're in your teens and early twenties there are ages that are obviously off limits for anyone. But how do you really figure out what is an acceptable age for you to date if you are the older party? Well that's why I'm here, to tell you the formula. As a wise man once told me, "You can go as young as half your age plus seven." It's an exact science that works every time.

So here are some examples for all of you who doubt this genius theory. Let's say that you're 22 years of age. Half your age is 11, plus seven is 18. That is perfect. Now let's say you're 18. Half your age is 9, plus seven is 16; a two year difference is fine when you're at that age. I told you that this method was an exact science.

Now for the older crowd. Let's say that someone is 32. Half their age is 16, plus seven is 23. If you think that's out of the ordinary then you are sadly mistaken. If you're a rich 32 year old, you'll bring home 23 year olds like it's your job. And for my last example I'll go with a 50 year old. Half of 50 is 25, plus seven is 32. You've seen it, I've seen it, the theory works.

Basically, Hugh Heffner is breaking the theory, and it's kind of disgusting since he's like 80. So this is yours to keep for the rest of your life. If you ever have to question how young is too young, remember this theory of half your age plus seven. I promise, it works every time.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Defriendment Friday's

This week we have just two defriend's to bring you, but you'll enjoy them just as much as the other one's...

Quite Frank-ly:

The Culprit: Vincenzo T.

Status That Broke The Camel's Back: "tannin, basketball, gym, lil bbq...whos in?"

Reasoning: After a number of absolutely retarded sports related statuses showing how little he really knows about the sporting world, this status pushed the threshold. No one wants to bbq with you, ever, especially not after you leave the g out in the word tanning. Notice how I finished the word like I actually was educated at some point in my life. Also, I had no idea how hard it was to spell out the word little.

Steve the Hammer:

The Culprit: Meagan S.

Status That Broke The Camel's Back: "If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything-Marilyn Monroe"

Reasoning: I had someone else picked out for my defriend until you came along at the last minute and stole the show. Stop quoting Marilyn Monroe. Quoting Marilyn Monroe doesn't make you an intelligent person, anyone can read a quote and like it. Plus with that quote you sound like a whore. I'll leave you with a quote that a wise man named Terrence texted me last week: "If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything...even anal". Still don't think you sound like a whore? See ya!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Quote Of The Day

"I have a fiance, but it's not that serious"-Atlantic City woman

Overuse Of The Word "Asshole"

Post by Quite Frankly:

This article will really show the simple mindedness and lack of independent thought of the female sex.  Sorry, but its kind of true. Girls use the word "asshole" way to frequently and us guys have become kind of numb to it.  If a guy cheats on you, he's an "asshole".  If a guy doesn't want to go to a place because he can't stand your cousin and her boyfriend, he's an "asshole".  Obviously, those are two pretty different things and one is a lot worse than the other.  So why use it for both instances?  If we are assholes for every thing we do than eventually we just say, yeah whatever.  If the word is used less frequently and only in the worst situations than we might take a step back and realize what we did was wrong. And let's face it, "asshole" is the worst word you have for us.  Guys have the luxury of some pretty damn good words to describe girls.

Guys have a hierarchy of words we use when women piss us off.  If a girl doesn't want to talk to us or something, she is a "bitch".  If a girl blows your best friend in the bathroom of some bar, she is not only a slut but will referred to in the future as that "C" word that rhymes with "punt" (See I do have a soul, I didn't say the word cunt).  We have other words that fill in the in between areas.  Those words are, "pig", "disgrace", "joke", in no particular order.  Other words do exist, but I am not going to expose all the inside secrets here.

If you continue to call us "assholes" for everything than we have no idea what context you are using it in. If you set up a nice little hierarchy of terms like us guys did (guys brains work much more fact based and logical than females, that's science)  then you might be happier and it might be a little easier.  Here is a mere suggestion. If a guy makes plans and forgets prior plans that he made with you, he is an "idiot". If a guy cheats on you, he is an "asshole".  You can fill in the rest.  

Asshole Of The Day Award

I love stupid people...

What are you doing lady? Stealing a license plate off a cop car and shoving it down your pants is no way to go through life miss. I'm just curious as to what use you would have for a police license plate? Like you're 53 years old, don't you think it's time to stop having scavenger hunts with your friends and grow up? Do I actually know if this woman was on a scavenger hunt? No, but that is the only reasoning I could possibly see for stealing a license plate. Oh, and to tell a cop that you were holding it for the cop who's car it was might be the worst response I have ever heard. This shirt was made for you, enjoy!

Bristol Palin Has A Book?

Bristol, I’m not mad, I’m disappointed. I’m disappointed in the fact that you lost your virginity while being black out drunk off of wine coolers. I know you’re a girl, but come on now, they’re fucking wine coolers, my eleven year old cousin couldn’t get drunk off those. And you blacked out and don’t remember? Once again, you drank wine coolers; those things are blackout proof, meaning that it’s impossible for you to blackout by only drinking them. I think it’s a complete cover up to try and save face because you told your parents that you would wait until marriage. Who waits until marriage anymore anyway? This is the shit you’re writing about in your book to make you look like less of a slut. Listen, people would respect you if you just said, “Look, I had sex with my boyfriend and it was a total accident.” No one’s buying this wine cooler blackout nonsense; mainly because, it’s total bullshit. Next time try something believable, because you’re apparently the first person in the history of the world to blackout off of fucking wine coolers. The end.

Sidenote: I would totally kick it to Sarah Palin any day of the week, get rid of all your political views for a second and just look at her, she is a hot piece of ass.

How Much Alcohol Would It Take Tuesday's

Here we go ladies and gentlemen, she’s not 300 pounds, but she is not good looking either…

Well South Park had it right when they said that this broad looks like a moose. Sarah Jessica Parker is just not a good looking female. So she was the star of like the biggest hit female show ever, but can you at least buy a good looking face with all that money maybe? I don’t know, I’m not a doctor. Anyway, how much alcohol would it take for me to slay this broad. I’ll go with a keg of the Incredible Hulk, which is Hypnotic and Hennesy. Followed by a pint of Cuervo on the rocks. This should make me think she’s a ten, when really she’s not even a three. But hey, it’s all about the story, right?

Monday, June 20, 2011

I'm A Little Late, But This Is A Great Picture

US Open Champ Rory McIlroy is seen chugging from his US Open trophy right here. This is the shit that I'm talking about baby! When did Tiger ever do shit like this? I mean I know Tiger slayed so much box it was unreal, but he still kept away from the media as much as he possibly could. There's a new sheriff in town baby. Rory fucking McIlroy is here to stay. And he's going to party like a rock star after every win. Guaranteed Rory is laying the wood to bitches everywhere after his performance this past weekend. Forget Tiger, this kid might be the one that gets people interested in golf again.

I'm Not Impressed...

So this three year old little shit can play Kinect Dance Central on hard. Big fucking deal. What exactly did he do? He moved his arms a couple of times and his feet stayed pretty much in the same spot. I can train a fucking chimpanzee to do this shit in two days. This ain't Dance Dance Revolution bro, I ain't fucking impressed. You want to impress everyone, do some DDR on the highest level, then I'll give you some props. Until then, you're a fraud little guy, just a full out fraud.

The Confusion Of The Phrase “I Like You”

If you’re a guy then you know exactly what I’m talking about right now. If you’re a girl, chances are that you have no idea what I’m talking about right now. Hey, it’s not your fault; this is why I’m here to enlighten you. I am going to enlighten you on the phrase “I like you” and explain what it really means when it is said in certain situations.

To begin, this has nothing to do with when a guy and a girl have been talking and hanging out for a while. That is what we would call the standard “I like you”. Guy likes girl, girl likes guy, and everything is all peachy until you really get to know each other. But too bad that is not what I am referring to.

What I’m really talking about are those “relationships” that you have with a member of the opposite sex that is nothing more than physical, yet the girl thinks that it’s a lot more. These aren’t booty calls or friends with benefits, these are people who talk all the time, but all they do is have sex. They don’t go on dates; they don’t really do much of anything besides have sex.

See the problem with this is that most of the time the girl thinks that there is way more going on than just strictly fucking. However, this is not the case. The girl probably likes the guy, but the guy only likes to have sex with you. Therefore ladies, when you ask the guy how he feels about you, and he responds with, “I like you,” he is really saying, “I just like to fuck you.” Obviously, he leaves out the three other key words in that phrase, just so you keep giving up the milk without him having to buy the cow.

Long story short, if you are in this situation, your guy just likes to fuck you. There’s nothing wrong with that because that probably means that you’re good in bed. But if you’re looking for the typical relationship, you are clearly not in the right situation. If you’re taking this personally, then you are probably in this situation. For the guy, this is what we call the “Perfect Situation”. God bless all those who are in it.

Asshole Of The Day Award

Spoiler Alert: He didn't make it...Yeah I already know, I'm fucked up for writing this.

When Bachelor Parties Go Bad: The Asshole Of The Day Story. That would make a great TV show headline for this fucking group of morons. While having a blast on a party bus during your buddies bachelor party why would you decide to open the emergency hatch at the top of the bus to stick your head out? This isn't a limo, it takes way too much effort to climb to the top of the bus and when you're on the highway you have to keep your eyes open for the...wait for it...wait for it........ OVERPASS! This guy got rocked by the overpass, while being an asshole, and he is now dead. Was he a good kid, was he a bad kid, I have no idea. But regardless, this was a dumb fucking decision that didn't turn out so well. It's tough for me to talk shit about a dead guy but this might be one of  the dumbest things I've ever heard of. I would send you a shirt, but...Nevermind, it's probably a little too soon for that one. Anyway, everyone learned a little lesson today.

Show Some Love

For all the haters that we have out there, we actually do have people that enjoy this fucking thing. When I’m out I have people saying, “Hey I read your shit all the time, it’s awesome,” or, “That blog is great man, keep it up.” Basically, either people do a great job at bullshitting my colleagues and I, or people actually do enjoy reading our shit. Therefore, if you do enjoy reading, show some love. Like our facebook page, which I will post the link to at the bottom of this, as well as our twitter page. Also, we have no idea if what we write is actually being read, so if you happen to like a post that you click on through facebook, just click the like button. These are only small favors being asked. However, I will say that we do appreciate our fans and followers, spread the word, we love you all.

As for the haters, I addressed this a while back but I will reiterate what I said earlier. This is primarily to the women out there who happen to think that every post we write is about them. So I will tell you this right now. We write in generalizations, we do not write about specific people. If you happen to think that we are writing about YOU specifically; TAKE A LOOK IN THE FUCKING MIRROR! Obviously you have a guilty conscience, because you obviously think that you are doing something that we rip women about.

So if you really have a specific problem with what we talk about I am calling your bluff right now with this one time offer. EMAIL ME (Steve) THE GUY WHO RUNS THE SHOW, and settle your gripe with ME. Don’t get on my guys through text messages and all that other nonsense, come straight to me at There’s your chance if you really have a problem with what we talk about. Fair warning though, I’ll probably rip you in an email if you seriously have a problem. Haters, put your money where your mouth is, I’m daring you to email me telling me that we are talking about you specifically, DARING you. I look forward to the hate mail, just be prepared for the response. That is all. Once again, if you’re a fan, we love you.


Facebook Page:



Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all the Father's out there. Whether it's fathers, grandfathers, uncles, or step fathers; take some time out of your day to thank the one's who are close to you. Sit down, crack open a beer with them, and enjoy it while saying thank you. It's the American way.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Borough Boys Week 2 Getting You Through Your Saturday Morning

Week two podcast of the Borough Boys Saturday Morning edition. Once again, listen, give some comments, give some feedback, let us know how we're doing. If you love it, great, if you hate it, fuck off, just let us know either way.

Laying Back

Post by Tommy the Mic and Steve the Hammer:

This is actually a smart theory coming from one known as Tommy the Mic. First let’s explain the theory so no one gets lost. You know when you’re golfing and you’re at a par 5? You have a chance to get on the green in two shots, but there’s a water hazard nearby, what do you do? You lay back. This is a theory that only works one time with a girl who is over an 8 on the rating scale. Here is how it works.

First, the girl needs to be a girl that is extremely hot and she needs to be someone who you plan on having sex with for a long period of time. This strategy can only work one time and one time only per hot girl. So you’re out, trying to get with this girl, but she is absolutely shitfaced. She might want to have sex with you, and you know damn straight that you want to have sex with her as well. But for this one time only you “lay back” and say, “Not tonight because you’re too drunk.” Here’s how it works.

Since you are hoping to have sex with this girl numerous times, this does two things. First, it makes her feel like you’re actually a nice guy. This makes her think and actually makes her like you. Also, this makes her want to rip your clothes off the next time you two are drunk. And since you can only use this strategy once, you have to have sex with her the second time around. You don’t use this strategy when a girl is below an 8. Mainly because you’re just looking to hit it and quit it with those girls, and if she’s drunk and you’re drunk, and she’s not hot, it really doesn’t matter because you don’t plan on talking to her again.

To review, the strategy of laying back is only a good strategic move with girls who are over an 8 and who you plan on having sex with more than once. If you lay back more than one time with the same girl, you’re a pussy and she will then look at you as that nice guy who is just a friend. Use this strategy wisely, and you will be rewarded, we can at least promise you that.

What Is Jim Carey Doing?

Post By Quite Frank-ly:

Ok Jim Carey is a funny guy, it's obvious.  He was hilarious in The Mask, Liar Liar, Ace Ventura and Dumb and Dumber.  There are other decent Jim Carey movies but lately the guy has hit rock bottom and is in the category of Nicholas Cage.  I really don't understand how an actor with his resume` can't get half way decent movies.  Okay, Bruce Almighty and Yes Man were decent at best but what I am talking about are two movies that are just brutal.  The Number 23 was the biggest waste of money and anyone who has paid for a movie at the Stadium 16 on Staten Island in the wonderful neighborhood of Mariner's Harbor knows that's an easy $20 a head if you want some treats.  The Number 23 was the beginning of the end and the end is Mr. Popper's Penguins.  WHAT...THE...HELL...IS...THAT?!!!!!!  I'll just leave it at that this, if I had kids, no matter how much they bitched and wined about wanting to go see it, I would never take them.  There is literally nothing on the planet that can make me go see that.

Jim what are you doing buddy? I really hope you don't have a drug problem or something and you just need the money.  You seem like a decent guy, but come on man you're better than a movie with a house full of penguins.  I pray for another good Jim Carey movie because some of them are timeless and classic.  Recently, its just been brutal.  Get it together man, you're a legend.  If anything just retire, you might be sticking around too long.

Britney Spears Lay Off The Sweets Hun...

Britney Spears opened up her Femme Fatale tour last night and should not have been wearing some of the outfits she decided to throw on. You have to cover up that belly hun, you're not that 19 year old with the sick body anymore. I mean you're not that out of shape, but from what you were to what you are now, you've packed on I would guess between 15 and 20 lbs. Word of advice, treadmills usually do the trick if you decide to use them a couple of times a week. That's not a doctor's perspective, that's just common sense.

See that little overhang at the waistline, that's gotta go if you're wearing that outfit. And she's definitely sucking it in too.

Creative Ways To Lose A Baseball Game Brought To You By The New York Mets

Here it is, a video of the Mets losing baseball games in ways that don't involve the other team having to do pretty much anything. After last night's balk-off by DJ fucking Carrasco this is only a fitting video to show. And yes, everyone's favorite moment of Luis Castillo dropping the pop up against the Yankees is on this list. Enjoy...

Asshole Of The Day Award

When escaping from prison it is probably not the smartest idea to knock on the cabin of one of the prison guards and ask to use the phone. That is exactly what this guy did, and that is exactly why he is the asshole of the day. Granted the guard was off duty and was only renting the cabin that this dude knocked on, but still, why the fuck are you knocking on doors asking to use the phone when you just got out of prison? The news would probably hit that you've escaped within like an hour and anyone would realize that you're a fucking convict on the run. Next time just keep running, you'll have a better chance of making it to wherever the fuck you were going. But as long as you're going back to prison, here's your shirt as your souvenir from the outside.

Defriendment Friday's

From now on every friday will be Defriendment Friday. We will all try to find someone who is being a nuisance on facebook throughout the week and we will get rid of them. This week we are 3 for 5 with facebook defriends as myself, Quite Frank-ly and Tommy the Mic all have one. We will of course give you the culprit and the reason for defriendment...

Steve the Hammer:

The Culprit: Maria (last name removed)

Reason For Defriendment: Excessively writing retarded things on the same person's wall, posting mobile uploads every thirty seconds and posting a song about her being a bartender…See ya broad!

Quite Frank-ly:

The Culprit: Alycia (last name removed)

Reason For Defriendment: Being defriended for excessive check-ins at Retro Fitness

Tommy the Mic:

The Culprit: James (last name removed)

Reason For Defriendment: If this kid jumped off a bridge I wouldn’t care or even shed a tear due to the excessiveness of his retarded statuses.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Mobile Uploads: The Newest Contagious Facebook Trend

I love browsing through my facebook and having my mini feed just absolutely suffocated with Mobile Uploads from every person that I’m friends with. I don’t care if you do it once in awhile, but some of you females out there take it to an entirely new level. You literally update the facebook world on everything you do throughout your day. Some even go as far as to put up pictures of themselves talking about how much their work in the gym has paid off. Are you kidding? How low is your self-esteem that you need people to tell you how great you look in a mobile fucking upload?

That’s the first thing that pisses me off. The second thing that pisses me off about these mobile uploads is the amount of mobile uploads people post. If you are out at a bar and you want to put up one mobile upload of something that’s going on, I honestly don’t have a problem with it. Whatever, some of them are kind of cool sometimes. But when people put up ten fucking mobile uploads while they’re out I fucking lose it. You’re out with your friends, stop worrying about letting everyone on facebook know exactly what the fuck is going on with your night. First of all, no one gives a flying fuck and secondly, YOU’RE FUCKING OUT! Is it more fun to post mobile uploads or be out with your friends? If your answer is the first part of that question, then you need to seriously re-evaluate your life.

This is the newest trend on facebook that is beginning to become contagious. People are starting to do it just because everyone else does it. For the people who do it every so often, I’m not talking about you. For the people who have more mobile uploads than profile pictures, you people need to seriously sit down and think about what you’re doing with your life. Because from the looks of things, you’re getting piss drunk 6 nights a week and spending money you don’t have. I think it’s time to grow up.

So You Want To Sit On Top Of A Porta Potty?

Watch this fucking guy get his shit rocked! This dude just straight up takes out this guy on top of the porta potty then gets his ass beat by the cops. Either way, it still makes for a great youtube video even if the both of you are leaving battered and bruised.

Getting Rid Of Co-ed Dorms To Stop Hook-Ups...Genius

The word genius is meant to be used in an extremely sarcastic way up there...

The President from Loyola Marymount has come up with this genius idea to stop guys and girls at his college from having sex. Stop having co-ed dorms! Holy shit, you're a fucking genius! Sounds like you have it all figured out, guy. I can't believe no one has ever thought of this before now. This is amazing. Listen guy, you're a moron. Guys and girls in college are going to have sex whether they live down the hall from each other, or in opposite buildings of each other; there's no way to stop it. In life, guys and girls also interact with each other; just in case you forgot. Who gives a shit if they have sex? It's college, they're going to drink, they're going to fuck and they're going to do what they want to do regardless of what you or anyone else says. That's just the way it is asshole. Stop trying to come up with a diabolical scheme to stop this behavior, because it's not going to work. It's called being in college. End of story.

Another Student-Teacher Sex Scandal Straight From My Hometown

A little girl on girl sex scandal never hurt anyone...

Since I am from Staten Island, I'm not at all shocked by this. A 29 year old teacher at an all girl's high school actually turned herself in. She admitted to sticking her hands down the teens pants on a rendezvous at her house after they had locked lips. Basically you two were making out and some steamy lesbian action was beginning to take place. Listen lady, once again why are you stooping to the level of trying to molest high school students? You're almost thirty years old, I think it's time to grow up. I'm sure you can find some serious hot lesbians that are your age, who you wouldn't have lost your job over. But maybe that's thinking too logically.

Highlight Feature: When Have Dick Pic’s Been Successful?

In light of the recent events with that Anthony Weiner guy I thought of a question that no one has dared to ask since last football season. When has sending dick pic’s been a successful way to get a woman? Unless you’re on a webcam with a stripper who you’re paying, no woman wants to see a picture or video of your dick. Sounds harsh, but that’s the truth.

Let’s start way back with Mr. Brett Favre, who texted pictures of his junk to a woman known as Jenn Sterger. Mind you, Miss Sterger is sexy as fuck and has an ass as plump as a grapefruit; however, I’m pretty sure there are better ways to pick up this chick than sending her dick pic’s. You’re Brett fucking Favre, you could probably get any woman you want and you resort to sending dick pic’s? You’re trying too hard bro, and your wife is hot as shit; there’s no need to cheat on her.

Speaking of trying to hard let’s move to Anthony fucking Weiner. You’re a congressman sending dick pic’s through twitter? Apparently you don’t have to be a genius to be a congressman because this is the dumbest thing anyone’s done since they let the Situation attempt to roast Donald Trump. Also, how do you fuck up so bad that you actually post it on twitter? Just save yourself the trouble and resign now because your political career is over; all because of a dick pic.

Fella’s, these two guys are the prime examples of why you should never send a dick pic. It’s usually a failure and a lawsuit; and it will dig your legacy an even deeper hole and also end your political career. Learn from these two assholes, try something other than a dick pic.

Asshole Of The Day Award

We have another asshole who I happened to find in NYC yesterday...


Look what I found. This asshole sitting in Washington Square Park apparently waiting for lightning to strike with that fucking hat on. Can I ask why you would go out in public with this fucking thing on your head? Is there any chance of you getting laid while wearing that? I don't think so. There is no way this guy can possibly have any friends either. I mean he's wearing a cape and I don't even want to call it a hat, let's just say a thing on his head. So here's a shirt to put under your cape asshole. Have a nice day.

Pre-Game Song Of The Weekend

This week we have a song that has to get you jacked up to go out. Take Over Control by Afrojack ft. Eva Simons makes me want to hit up a dance floor and go nuts whenever I hear it. This easily gives you the feeling that you should be in a club drinking and dancing and prowling for single ladies. Plus if you heard it while you were having an awesome time somewhere, it definitely brings you back to that awesome time. It's the best of all worlds, which is why I picked it for this week.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Bruins Win The Cup

Since I did something about the Mavericks, I need to do something about the Bruins right? Anyway, congrats to the Bruins on bringing the cup to Boston, you guys dictated the style of play that whole series and showed why you deserved to win...

Now on to the fucking Canucks. Roberto Luongo, you fucking suck dude. You were awesome all year and then you shit the bed twice with a chance to win the whole thing with the last one being on your home ice. and hey, Daniel Sedin way to try and be Mark Messier with the guarantee you giant asshole. The guarantee would have meant something if you did anything the entire series, but you didn't do a thing and then you shit the bed with saying you guys were going to win game 7. You got out hustled, out hit, and you personally got bitched around by a smaller Brad Marchand in game 6. Your legacy is shot bro. Say hello to being the Lebron of the hockey rink mother fucker.

Watch This Naked Guy Get Arrested In NYC

Well boys and girls I was in Manhattan for about five minutes and I had the best material I've gotten in three weeks. This is a fucking naked guy getting arrested walking around Manhattan. First of all, guy why are you walking around naked? Secondly, there is no reason to be screaming bloody murder at the top of your lungs while you're being handcuffed on the pavement. You shouldn't have tried to run from the cops when they told you to stop. That's your fault genius. I just wish the fucking cab didn't get in the way at the end. It totally ruined my fucking vantage point.

Sidenote: The black dude in the orange hat on the left hand side will have the close up video and it will be the next greatest hit on youtube. Write it down now.

Rock On Baby

You can't sit there and tell me that this isn't cool. I mean granted the kid probably isn't actually playing it, but still making it look like he is is pretty fucking cool. I also love how he bitches out daddy at the end by yanking on his beard. Add in his rock on afterwards and you have yourself a great video.

Global Warming? Al Gore Can Suck Me

Well according to these guys Al Gore is all wrong (I'm shocked by that little tidbit by the way). The sun goes through eleven year cycles and the next cycle known as Cycle 25 might not happen at all. This means that in the coming decade we could actually have an ice age.

Does Dating Even Exist Anymore?

Post by Vince of Reason:

If you look up the term dating in the Webster’s dictionary it is defined as the following :  a form of courtship consisting of social activities done by two persons with the aim of each assessing the other's suitability as a partner in an intimate relationship or as a spouse. While the term has several senses, it usually refers to the act of meeting and engaging in some mutually agreed upon social activity in public, together, as a couple.

To put this in simpler terms, going on a date is when a guy and a girl go out for an evening to see a movie and have a nice dinner and whatever happens after that is their business (no strings attached). Oh yeah, girls, alcohol doesn’t have to be consumed.

Now on the other hand, if Staten Island Girls had their own dictionary, which wouldn’t happen because let’s be serious, who would publish the thing? Girls out here don’t even know how to cook Easy Mac, imagine actually writing something. Well anyway, let’s use our imagination and pretend they did have their own dictionary. Okay, well the word “Dating” would be defined as the following: N/A. If you ask a girl these days if they have been on any dates lately, they’ll probably stare at you for about 10 minutes with that puzzled look, thinking to themselves what the fuck is this kid talking about? Dates? Hahaha who even does that any more? Wasn’t that like so 10 years ago?

(In the fucked up SI girl mind) she’s thinking to herself why would I want to go out with someone who is probably a nice kid and not some typical juice monkey who I can meet and tiki bar? Who will probably treat me with respect, take me to see a movie and a nice dinner and actually call me the next day and remember my name. Why would I want to take a night off  going out drinking with my girls so I can get treated like a normal women, when I could go to A.C., find a bunch of random rich guys, (well technically they’re “hood rich”, they don’t really have money they just pretend and act like they do) be a bottle groupie, get obliterated and( later on throw up in the bathroom because I didn’t drink enough if I don’t yak my brains out), post mobile uploads on my facebook wall of the  bottle of grey goose that some jerk off who doesn’t even know my name bought, and do something at the end of the night which I will probably regret? Oh and can’t forget to post a facebook status of how bad my hangover is that I don’t remember a thing from last night. “Ughh fml work all day and I’m hangover, someone come visit me”

Yeah doesn’t that sound familiar? I mean to sum it up, girls out here are only interested in getting sloshed every night of the week. It’s the way it is today and what makes guys laugh is that they have the balls to complain about how “they’ll never find anyone”. Oh give me a break. Maybe if you actually gave a normal guy a chance to take you out on a Friday instead of worrying about dollar beers at some shithole bar, you would be successful. The word “dating” is foreign to you. So stop complaining about how you’re always getting fucked over because you’re completely ridiculous.

This Week's Student-Teacher Sex Scandal Comes To You From Southern Cali

More insecure female teachers on the loose...

This time it was actually a teacher's aide, but regardless, it's still an ongoing epidemic in America these days. A 35 year old woman wanting to have sex with a 13 year old boy, are you kidding? It's been amazing how many women have gotten caught getting banged out by their little boy students over the passed like three months. Enough already, go after someone within your age range please because this shit is ridiculous. Plus these women must be slipping these kids roofies because having sober sex with most of these women just isn't an option. It's actually starting to get sickening.

Asshole Of The Day Award

This really is my favorite part of the day...

A 21 year old girl in Florida got arrested for not only throwing punches, but also for throwing pancakes. She says it's because these guys in a car at the McDonald's drive thru asked her and her friend for oral sex, but I'm not buying it. When you see a guy walking towards you with a camera phone, after you already threw pancakes at him, it's probably not a good idea to get out of your car and start throwing hay maker's like Muhammad Ali in his prime. Oh, and then her and her friend came back to afterwards to throw some more punches. Just take your t-shirt and have a nice day, I'm done with you.

That'll Be The Day Wednesday's

When the Mets win the World Series, That'll be the day Michael J Fox wins a game of freeze tag...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Highlight Feature: Celebrities Who Should Make A Sex Tape

We have all seen celebrity sex tapes before like Paris Hilton, R-Kelly and even as recently as J-Lo. But I am going to give you a list of celebrities who SHOULD make a sex tape.

1. Mila Kunis: The Mila Kunis stock has been incredibly high ever since Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Now with this new movie of her and Justin Timberlake basically just banging the entire time, her stock is higher than ever. A sex tape featuring my moon goddess could only be more gratifying if she made it with me, but hey, you can’t win them all. Mila, get your sexy ass on tape doing something. Please, for all of us.

2. Emmanuelle Chiriqui: The only reason for watching Entourage this long has been the hopes of seeing our 2011 hot girl bracket champion completely naked. If it wasn’t for her, the show would only be half as good.

3. Blake Lively: We know you say the nudie pics weren’t you but why not strike while the iron is hot? Everyone and their mother got your naked pictures and you’re mad about it. Listen girl, you have an absolutely breath taking body, put that shit on tape and copies will be going off the shelves like wild fire.

4. Beyonce: Ever since she came out in that Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue years back, everyone has wanted to see her naked. Aren’t you married to Jay-Z? I’m sure he can market the shit out of a sex tape that you and him made. It would just add millions more to both your bank accounts.

5. Katy Perry: She really is America’s Sweetheart right now and what better way to stay on top than to make a sex tape? You and Russell Brand could work something out I’m sure and quite honestly, every guy wants to know how big your chest really is. It sounds perverted, but it’s true.

Asshole Of The Day Award

A little late today, but you can all blow me I've been busy...

This is a story about when stealing copper goes wrong. Actually, this is more like karma coming back and biting this mother fucker in the ass. Dude was a known copper thief and he tried to cut into a power line at a utility substation to steal some copper. Guess what happened? This asshole got lit up like a fucking Christmas tree! Boom, Roasted! Literally. His clothes actually burned off his fucking body. You deserve it big guy. Trying to steal shit finally caught up to you. But hey whatever, you get a free t-shirt out of the deal.

How Much Alcohol Would It Take Tuesday's

All I have to say about today's choice is WOOF!!!

A former figure skater who has mercilessly let herself go, Tonya Harding is absolutely brutal to look at. Clearly this bitch went on a really mean binge eating streak since she was banned from figure skating for life after allegedly taking out Nancy Kerrigan. So how much alcohol would it take for me to nail this butterball? I would love to give you a straight answer, but I don't really know. Probably anywhere between a lethal injection of Everclear and a kitchen sink filled with Dubra. She is definitely one that you just close your eyes while your doing it and pretend it's someone else. You also hope while your eyes are closed that you are actually inside her vagina and not the crevice of her elbow joint.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Ladies, Do You Work For Budweiser?

Post by Vince of Reason and Steve the Hammer:

I have a question for girls out there. Does Budweiser pay you to advertise for them? NO, I didn’t think so.  So why is it that every facebook picture you take when you’re out drinking with your “girlies” you feel the need to show everyone the beer that you’re drinking? You even make sure the label is in front so everyone can read the words “Bud Light”. We get that you’re out drinking, and I have no problem with you taking pictures, but you’re 21 years old, drinking hasn’t been cool since you were 17, so stop showing your drink in every picture you take. Budweiser has enough publicity; they don’t ask you to promote their beer in your pictures.

It’s actually no secret that you’re out drinking as everyone can tell from the pictures that you are in a bar. Is it necessary to hold your beer up with the label out making a toast to the person taking the picture? Trust me, it doesn’t make you cooler when you’re holding up your beer in your pictures, you actually look like a drunk girl who is about to go home and get railed by a complete stranger. Maybe you don’t go home and get railed by a complete stranger, but the picture has that evidence written all over it. Don’t get mad, we’re just making a point.

Finally, don’t sit there and say, “I don’t even realize I’m doing it.” You know damn fucking well that you’re doing it so just cut the shit. The moral of the story here is unless the beer companies are paying you to have their label out, enough is enough. Everyone is tired of it, and it’s time that you ladies get ripped for it. However, if you would like myself (Steve the Hammer), or Vin (Vince of Reason), to be that complete stranger that you go home and get railed by, by all means let us know. Other than that, we don’t want to see beer labels in any more pictures.